How restaurants and cafes will work: no more than 5 at the table, limited work hours


According to the report, work time restrictions will not apply to outdoor cafes and takeaways.

According to the head of state operations at the state level of emergency, the Minister of Health Aurelijus Veryga, the epidemiological situation allows the doors of public catering establishments that work internally to open.

“There are very clear rules that a company wants to follow. I would like to emphasize that those rules are not about me or the professionals, they are designed to protect everyone who visits there as much as possible. For the same reason, working hours are Limited. It is very clear that adequate prevention of the spread of infection in nightclubs cannot be guaranteed, “says Minister A. Veryga.

The established distance will allow five people to sit at the table.

It has been established that in indoor cafes, restaurants, bars and other entertainment venues, the distance between tables should be such that visitors who sit at different tables are at least 2 meters away. In the case of partitions between tables at least 90 centimeters wide and 140 centimeters high, the distance between the tables can be such that a distance of at least 1 meter is maintained between visitors.

It is also stipulated that only visitors who use mouthpieces and mouthpieces may enter the facilities. They are optional when eating and drinking.

In addition, to manage risks, it is defined that a maximum of 5 groups of people, excluding family members, can sit at a table.

It is anticipated that buffet catering will not be allowed, i. that is, when the visitors themselves place the food. Also, sugar, salt, sauces and other foods will not be served in common containers or containers, if they are placed by the visitors themselves.

At the same time, it is anticipated that reusable menus touched by visitors will not be used. If used, they should be disinfected after each use. Reusable tablecloths or coasters that cannot be cleaned (washed) and disinfected are not allowed after each visit. Also, it will not be possible to offer blankets to visitors.

Indoors, the pre-established requirements for outdoor cafes that dishes and utensils must be washed in a dishwasher at a temperature of at least 60 ° C or by other appropriate means to ensure that their cleanliness is maintained.

In addition, the administrations of the cafes are obliged to provide information at the entrance that it is not recommended to visit people at risk, that is. and. over 60 years and with chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, chronic kidney disease and others.

Also at the entrance of the cafes it is necessary to provide visitors with information about the need to observe personal hygiene (hand hygiene, cough, sneezing, etc.), to allow proper hand hygiene, disinfection.

In addition, it should be ensured that only staff without signs of upper respiratory disease, acute intestinal infections and other diseases work in catering establishments. Employee health must be evaluated daily before entering a catering service. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the Health Status Self-Assessment Form prepared by the State Food and Veterinary Service (SFVS), posted on the SFVS website, or the questions provided there.

Workers’ hands should also be ensured that they are hygienic before starting work, before handling cooked or ready-to-eat food, or before handling raw meat, fish or other raw foods. Also before dressing, changing and removing gloves, removing debris, completing cleaning, disinfection, and more.

Business owners must also ensure adequate inventory for visitor services: tables, chairs, etc. – and the cleaning and disinfection of the environment of the restoration establishment, in accordance with the recommendations prepared by the Ministry of Health (SAM). Also make sure that frequently touched surfaces (door handles, bank card readers, etc.) are cleaned and disinfected more often than usual and that tables are cleaned and disinfected after each visit.

It is important that all of these requirements also apply to closed catering establishments that provide food only to employees, such as factories, establishments, etc.

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