How long will Russia terrorize the world? The Kremlin Calls Chaism And Boastful Politics “Defeat After Defeat”


Counting Russia’s friends and enemies: Kojala and Ažubalis differed

Lithuania and eight other countries are included in the list of countries hostile to Russia. Linas Kojala, director of the Center for Eastern European Studies, believes that if Russia compiled a list of friendly countries, it would be significantly shorter:

“Today, the Kremlin’s foreign policy and its actions in the international arena are distancing Russia even from those states that, for various historical, cultural and geographical reasons, might be inclined to a closer dialogue. An example of this is the Republic Czech, which is in fact taking unprecedented measures, although until recently it was among the EU countries that would be a bit more skeptical, eg sanctions. “

Linas Kojala

Linas Kojala

© DELFI / Kirill Chekhovsky

Meanwhile, Audronius Ažubalis, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas, thinks otherwise: You could therefore disagree with Lin’s statement that if Russia invited ambassadors from friendly states, the list would be shorter. Really I do not think so. I think Austria would also be invited and, according to current behavior, France, Finland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden. We can name and name “.

Furthermore, according to Azubalis, a large number of NATO countries oppose the granting of a NATO membership action plan to Sakartwell and Ukraine, although this is the only step at the moment that could make Russia wonder whether his aggressive policy is paying off.

According to former Foreign Minister A. Azubalis, there are no major EU countries on the list of countries hostile to Russia, and Russia also regards the United States with considerable respect. However, the priority of Russia’s foreign policy has been the same for a long time: the states around Russia must be in its zone of influence.

Has Lithuania received a clear signal that it can feel safe?

Russia’s actions on the border with Ukraine may cause concern, but defense expert Aurim Navis believes that there should be no fear in Lithuania: “We are part of the strongest alliance, part of the EU. Russia is doing what it has always done best: behaving aggressively and manipulating people, internal citizens and external neighbors by publishing a list of hostile countries. “

A. Navys recalls that eight years ago Russia named NATO as a threat and an enemy in the Gerasimov doctrine, and in 2015 it repeated it in the Security Strategy, so that as part of this alliance, Lithuania is no longer considered a friendly country of Russia. .

Aurimas Navys

Aurimas Navys

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Regarding the possible actions of Russia, according to A. Navis, Lithuania cannot be compared with Sakartvel or Ukraine: “These countries are not part of the alliance. Yes, the alliance partially supports it, but there is no guarantee that Russia will not be able to do anything there. In this case, Lithuania, as a NATO country with a large number of NATO partners, can and should feel safe, but reasonably safe, assess threats and respond appropriately, which is currently working quite well. However, if the situation were to shift towards open military conflict – available capabilities, says A. Navys, Lithuania would probably not have enough.

“The last very clear support from our allies with disposable anti-tank weapons, I mean the United States. This is a clear signal, an indication that in case of any Russian aggression, there will be allies, they are already there and they will really help us in every possible way, ”says A. Navys.

Impressive defense spending figures and skewed attitude towards neighbors

According to L. Kojala, the “covert fortress” narrative is built on purpose in Russia: we are attacked by the West, the United States and its allies pressure us, we do not want us to be strong, powerful and respected. The only way to answer is to show your muscles. Those muscles in this case are only military, because with other muscles it is difficult for Russia in this case ”. Last year, Russia allocated 4.3 percent for defense spending, says L. Kojala. of GDP and is well above the NATO average of less than 2%.

Many of Russia’s recent actions, including Putin’s refusal to meet with Ukrainian President Zelensky, show Azubalis, demonstrate post-Soviet arrogance: to Ukraine as a state, to Ukrainians as a nation. “

Audronius Ažubalis

Audronius Ažubalis

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

According to A. Azubalis, Russia’s “chaotic” approach towards its neighbors is well illustrated by the recordings of the official Russian institutions on the Twiter platform, which spoke of the Baltic states, the actions of the Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabriel Landsberg : To listen to Russia, and to those who help Russia or its peaks to live that noble and pony life, oppressing its people, going west and spending the money earned by their compatriots there ”.

Finally, a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Seimas calls the current Sino-Russian relations a “silent annexation”: China’s influence is growing in Central Asia ”. Azubalis calls Russia’s supposedly successful geopolitics “defeat after defeat.”
