Hottest spot for COVID-19: Raseiniai no longer has a virus-free area


Due to the spread of COVID-19 in Raseiniai, after the introduction of the two-week quarantine on Friday, things changed. People have started to investigate more actively, but the minister is particularly concerned about a home.

“Of course, the biggest problem is still in one of the trouble spots: the Blinstrubiškės welfare institution. The situation is bad there. I really think this is another example that, in many cases, this systemic shortage of staff and the The absence of a network of health care institutions can be disastrous for small municipalities, such as Raseiniai. It is scandalous that in a week and a half a municipality that has its own hospital would not have doctors who could go to a care institution social and assess the condition of patients, “said the minister.

On the Coalition Council S. Skvernelis, R. Karbauskis, A. Veryga, G. Kirkilas and others

At the same time, he had reproaches for the work of the municipality and called the commission to elect on a daily basis, to constantly evaluate the situation:

“I want to urge the municipality once again not to forget its responsibilities, to apply to the administration and the mayor, its emergency commission must work 24/7, there can be no weekends, there are no days off now. (…)

We will definitely cooperate, we will help as much as we can, but we do not have direct authority to act in your municipality and make direct decisions related to your institutions, ”said A. Veryga.

The area is no longer affected

Rolanda Lingienė, director of the Vilnius Department of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), stated that the epidemiological situation is certainly not good and that there is practically no coronavirus-free public life area.

“The Raseiniai virus is very affected, there are no more areas of public and public life where it would not be widespread. Family chimneys are registered both in schools and in various institutions, companies, municipalities, police, the service sector, manufacturing companies.

The prevalence is very high in terms of the proportion of investigations and comparisons with the positive ones, it was 0.7 days ago in Lithuania, and one out of every 5 surveys carried out in Raseiniai was positive, it was higher than 20% ”, said specialist NVSC .

He reported that during the previous day 33 cases of Covid-19 disease were registered, in the Blinstrubiškės welfare home, only two cases, one for an employee and the other for a resident.

In this approach, a total of 91 cases were confirmed: 33 employees, 53 residents and 5 secondary cases.

Roland Lingienė

People test more actively

According to R. Lingienė, recommendations were provided during the visit of the specialists to this institution.

“First of all, by the people who wait for your answers. They must be left in the rooms one by one or leave the necessary distances. Recommendations on the rational use of tools are also provided, as tools are not enough. Therefore, they should be used when necessary and to the extent necessary. Sometimes they were used too much, you also walked outside, it really is not necessary.

However, we were surprised by the high level of motivation and cooperation of the employees. The only problem is that the employees themselves were not enough, “he said.

In writing, he thanked the residents of the Raseiniai district for the fact that the slow testing phase was over and people were willing to register for the investigation.

At the same time, he recalled that if a person does not feel the characteristic symptoms and has not had contact with the patient, but is being examined prophylactically, then isolation pending the results of the examination is not mandatory.

“Some people may be discouraged from doing research, so I want to assure you that while waiting for research results, one can wait while leading a normal life,” said R. Lingienė.

The mayor of Raseiniai sees no point in holding meetings on a daily basis

Raseiniai Mayor Andrius Bautronis told BNS that he did not see the point in holding emergency commission meetings every day, according to him, if necessary, the commission could meet in half an hour.

“I do not understand why the Minister, unable to assist Raseiniai, accuses Raseiniai and puts out the fire with his accusations. “Our emergency commission meets when it needs it, makes the necessary decisions, I don’t know why they should meet daily and what they should take in those decisions,” said the mayor.

“Every day we meet and make decisions with the heads of medical institutions, about Blinstrubiškės, about the mobile point, about the problems of other medical institutions that arise in the fight against the coronavirus. I don’t see the need to convene the emergency commission every day, every hour or two, and if necessary, we convene the commission within half an hour, ”said the mayor.

Andrius Bautronis (Teodoras Biliūnas / Photo Bank)

Daily: three-digit number again

“First, the NVSC notifies about new cases and then we comment in detail. We are now preparing a report,” Jolanta Normantienė, Head of the Communication Service of Clinicas Santara, told the news portal

During the last day, 133 new cases of infection were detected in Lithuania, the total number of cases in the country increased to 5758. Currently, COVID-19 still affects 2,911 people and 2,722 have recovered.

A total of 103 people died from the coronavirus infection and 22 from other causes.

The isolation contains 31 thousand. 943 people. As of June 1, 307 import cases have been identified.

7,499 suspected coronavirus samples were analyzed during the previous day. So far a total of 830 thousand have been investigated. 674 samples.

The country’s hospitals are currently treating 139 people with coronavirus, eight of them in resuscitation and intensive care units, the Health Ministry said on Friday.

According to her, artificial lung ventilation is applied to seven patients, 65 people are treated with oxygen masks.

Images from the Covid-19 study – video report:
