Hostages of honorable business and disabled government –


The story, which is being investigated by the Panevėžys District Prosecutor’s Office, and the residents of the eighth house of the Kupiškis Krantinė district are eating the porridge, is painful and instructive. After the gas explosion, the lives of two people hung by the hair and the lives of dozens of families were affected. An event that is instructive and reminiscent of a business that transcends the limits of conscience and decency cannot be left out of control. Irresponsible businessmen are blamed both by the victims and by the Kupiškis city government.

Rough night

The residents of the dock district were thrown out of bed the night of April 30, at approximately 2 p.m. Immediately, when a fire broke out in the apartment on the first floor of the house and flames erupted through the door translated into the staircase, several families remained incarcerated in their homes. Later, residents of the home were surprised that the mother who had spent the night in the exploited apartment managed to escape with her 14-year-old daughter. Doctors from Panevėžys and Vilnius continue to fight for the lives of women who have suffered severe burns.

Bronislovas Kurpis, the president of the homeowners association who lives on the third floor, recalls that night as follows: “The residents of the surrounding houses were thrown out of bed. I didn’t feel like I was sitting, just looking out the window: the patio was full of windows of houses and cars. Those women probably escaped in flames, and I couldn’t escape anywhere myself. The staircase was covered in fire. It was so hot that the door to the first floor was burned. If my apartment windows were on the other side, I might have found something quickly, with the sheets falling off. Now I put a wet towel on my face, fell to the ground and waited, then life or death “, in the words of B. Kurpis, was taken out by the firefighters, who had extinguished the flames on the stairs.

The owner is different, the smell of gas is the same

The President speculated that the gas leak from a liquefied gas tank had exploded in the apartment. It could have happened that the explosion occurred when gas built up in the apartment when the hostess turned on the electrical switch at night. The smell of gas had become commonplace for residents of this and other surrounding homes. On the eve of the disaster, residents of the home said the gas pipes even roared. No matter how many people complained, things did not change.

The only employee of the private company Suskystintos Dujos, who supervised the gas farm in Kupiškis, only shook hands with people’s complaints. “Not only us, but also the surrounding houses called. There is a type of caretaker or caretaker, but it is so zero that he ignores it. Nothing terrible, he says. As far as we live, in fact, no one has walked since Independence. Previously, he used to come, check the gas book, look at all the taps in each apartment, “according to B. Kurpis, when the owner of” Liquefied Gas “became Antanas Bosas, a coastal businessman, no one supervised the gas system for a year.

According to the president, no district government could do anything. He is only happy that the municipality is now preparing the electrical installation in the staircase on his own. And who will keep the staircase, the walls from which the plaster has jumped over three floors, and who will pay for it, I do not know. Home savings – cat tears. He says the new company owner arrived the day after the disaster, as if promising to help repair the exploited apartment.

“The municipality will allocate part of the funds for repairs; it is necessary for the electrical installation, the staircase and the exterior of the house. Because there were measures to prevent coronavirus, the administration was very expensive. To restore everything, many will be needed funds, “said Ingrida Bernatavičienė, the acting director of the municipal administration, without enthusiasm. The municipality has announced that it is raising money to cope with the effects of the fire.

Controlling too much, no control

He sighed deeply, the mayor of the Kupškis district Dainius Bardauskas He admitted that he was hesitant to explain to everyone that the municipality had contributed nothing to the disaster. All questions about who is at fault will be answered “very impartially” by the pre-trial investigation. There were some gas outages that week, but residents did not request it from the municipality. In his words, everything is to blame for “a long-standing problem with handling such situations.”

The mayor explained the “outdated problem” as follows: “I think some private companies don’t pay as much attention to investments as they should to renovations.” Another question is the question of the people, the professionals, especially in the province, who would work and supervise. There are savings at the expense of publications. Perhaps even legislation is needed for some new, more defining and regulatory areas. ”

In his opinion, the state has established control institutions, but they do not do their job. The mayor admitted that people complained about the disaster at the gas farm. For example, during his first term, he wrote letters about the oversubscription fee, but received responses that this is due to such legislation. And because of the smells, consider, maybe it’s the fault of the home communities themselves. According to the legislation, the limits of the supervisor’s responsibility end on the exterior wall of the house, at the gas entrance, and what is inside is the concern of the residents themselves. According to him, the gas operator explained that it seemed too expensive for residents to change the taps in the apartments, and the subscription fee was not enough.

D. Bardauskas admitted that only after the accident did he learn that the former shareholder of Gas Licuado, Antanas Bosas, was no longer the owner of the company. The change occurred in April. Thus,
Will Boss get rid of that business in a timely manner?

“You know, as a citizen. I’m a little sorry for that new owner. But I don’t think he knew what kind of farm he was buying,” said the district chief.

After the disaster, new owner Saulius Rancas arrived with the CEO of the company. They, the mayor said, were surprised that there were old taps everywhere, at the entrances and on the stairs. Therefore, according to the schedule, he promised to start changing them. It will also change in the apartments if people, having learned from the disaster, agree to pay.

“The new owner seemed benevolent. And you will see what the next one will be like, “- D. Bardauskas hopes that the businessman will keep his word, because many of the residents of the house have listened to his promises to help disasters.

. He didn’t really know what kind of gas farm he lived in that he was buying in Kupiškis, “Respublika” tried to speak to the new shareholder of “Liquid Gas”, the famous businessman from Mažeikiai S. Rancas. Unfortunately, he did not want to speak. Incidentally, on Tuesday night, residents of the eighth apartment building on the pier were evacuated again due to a gas leak and returned to the apartments the following morning.
