Holy houses are slowly slipping into the hands of the authorities, but entrepreneurs will resist Business


There are more than 160 holiday homes and summer houses in the Baltic Sea region in Sventoji, as well as 97 buildings in state forest areas.

In proposing to the state to take over all of these buildings for public needs, the Ministry of the Environment previously calculated that paying compensation to their owners would tentatively cost more than 1.7 million. This is the total average market value of all buildings.

The ministry said the cabins would be taken for demolition or relocation, as their construction would not be possible in either the Baltic coastal zone or the state-important forest, and the area occupied by the buildings would be open to the public.

The nationalization of wealth in the 21st century is a nightmare.

Following complaints from cabin owners, the Cabinet of Ministers decided in early March to postpone the decisions, but the Ministry of the Environment promises that they will return to the government table soon.

Energetikas, which owns a large number of country houses, promises to resist the changes entirely, even if it is necessary to file an application in the courts of the European Union.

Owners explained

In recent months, the State Service for Protected Areas has carried out a more detailed inventory of buildings in the coastal zone, sought to find out and find their owners, and delve into territorial planning documents.

According to the Vice Minister of the Environment, Martynas Normantas, this is done to individually assess the situation of each owner and, if he decides to take over the houses for the needs of society, offer them fair compensation.

“For some it is a loss of business, for someone it is the only home to live. Every situation is different, we must evaluate all of them and compensate our citizens fairly.” 15 minutes said the deputy minister.

Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt photo / Šventoji cottages

Aurelija Jašinskienė / 15min.lt photo / Šventoji cottages

Director of the Albertas Stanislovaitis Protected Areas Service 15 minutes He said the “job information” gathered by the institution had recently been transmitted to the environment ministry to evaluate and make political decisions on what to do with the initiative.

According to him, a detailed inspection of the territory’s facilities has not yet been carried out, nor is it clear whether, in fact, all the cabins have owners.

The Vice Minister of Environment said he had not yet had time to familiarize himself with the material presented, but that he would do so in the near future.

“I can’t say anything more specific at the moment, but when we have a solution, we can comment. We will do so in about a week and a half,” said M. Narmontas.

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

“We will make a decision on further implementation of the problem. We will either tell the government that we have decided to do nothing after evaluating the situation, or we will give the government a decision to start the procedures,” he added.

“I think Lithuania has little cost and it would be a great luxury to use these seas inefficiently or not open them to its inhabitants. Here it is a matter of time, whether one or the other government does it.” , the discussions are lively, but the approval of the Government is needed to start the process, since it involves significant amounts of compensation, “said the deputy minister.

The cabins in the state forest were counted by the State Forest Service last year.

Clear justification is needed

The Ministry of Justice involved in the process emphasized that the state, when it seizes private land for the needs of society, must corroborate that such need exists objectively.

It is also necessary to specify the specific purposes for which the land to be used will be used. The institution interested in acquiring land must carry out a cost-benefit analysis in accordance with the procedure established by the Government.

According to the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of the Environment has not carried out a cost-benefit analysis, so it is not possible to determine the need for financial resources to implement the initiative.

The Ministry of the Environment estimated that it would take a little more than 2 million. But the Justice Ministry says the costs could be higher.

“After examining the material presented to the Government meeting, it can be concluded that when calculating the need for funds for the acquisition of land and buildings, only the need for the acquisition of state-owned real estate objects was evaluated.

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

No other circumstances were assessed due to additional funding (eg, plantations on land taken, crop not harvested, other homeowner losses), “says response.

Energy: we go to the end

A large part of the buildings considered are the property of the Energetikas health center. Gintautė Matulevičiūtė, director of the Energetikas wellness center, which manages a total of 146 summer houses, stated that she would oppose such a decision until the end.

“We certainly will not agree, we will fight and defend our rights. If it fails in Lithuania, the courts of the European Union are responsible.

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

What is scary here. The nationalization of wealth in the 21st century is a nightmare “,15 minutes said the businesswoman.

According to her, since the government postponed the decision to take over the cabins, no one contacted her.

G. Matulevičiūtė said that such summer houses are probably the only place in Šventoji where people with lower incomes can rest.

“I think they will be in high demand, especially next summer.” People have lost their jobs, been out of service, their incomes have decreased, and our cabins are accessible to people with low and medium incomes, “said the director of Energetiko .

He rejects the argument of the Ministry of the Environment that the demolition of the summer houses in question would open the area to the public. According to G. Matulevičiūtė, she is already like this. The businesswoman also speculated that future government decisions may be related to the interests of large companies to build the area with larger houses.

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

Photo by J.Andriejauskaitė / 15min.lt / Many people spend the summer weekend in Šventoji

“It is not clear why this park is needed here. There is no logic, because the public can still access, pass through the territory to the sea, and the territory itself is always orderly,” said G. Matulevičiūtė.

Construction of the Energetikas Summer Recreation Base, where the aforementioned summer houses are located, began in 1966.

15 minutes He was unable to contact the Mayor of Palanga Šarūnas Vaitkus.

The Environment Ministry has previously stated that it will seek to take over the holy houses by the end of 2023.
