Hold a protest for the Passport of Opportunities: MPs will gather with alarm, smoke and drums at the Seimas on Tuesday


Up to 1000 people

How Delphi reported Paulius Vaitekėnas, a media relations specialist from Vilnius City Municipality, that the permit was issued for up to 1,000 people, and the duration of the protest was from 9 am to 5 pm.

According to him, permission to protest was requested by a natural person.

Julija Samorokovskaja, Head of the Communications Branch of the Vilnius County LSC Delphi He also claimed that, to the knowledge of the police, the municipality had issued a permit for up to 1,000 people to organize the event.

How much will be used for the events of the police officers is not disclosed.

Ms Samorokovskaya said that “we have no official information about possible riots, the organizers have requested a peaceful event.”

“Alarm triggers, smoke”

Astra Astrauskaitė, an ambiguously famous Lithuanian language and literature teacher, asked on Facebook to prepare “her posters, drums, whistles, already aluminum pots, their lids, small bales, vultures for noise, even makeshift Aegean stables for manure “.

“Improvised loops with loops are already being prepared,” he wrote.

On Monday, A. Astrauskaitė discussed the protest program on Facebook.

“People gather at the Seimas at 9:00. Alarms and simulated smoke go off,” he wrote.

A Resolution is then adopted, which is presented to the President of the Republic of Lithuania by the representatives of the protest.

“After the announcement of the Resolution, at the end of the official part, the rostrum is handed over to the nation: people register locally for speeches with a responsible person, express their position on the atmosphere of segregation, insecurity and hatred in Lithuania created by the rulers “, A. Astrauskaitė shared his plans on Facebook.

“Whoever wants and is perfectly prepared, also sings Lithuanian patriotic songs and hymns that support the spirit and determination of the Nation,” he wrote.

A. Astrauskaitė stressed that “incitement to hatred and riots would be avoided”.

“Only pacific, 1990 March 11 and 1991. January 13 the ways of the Nation have been tested,” he explained.

A. Astrauskaitė wrote on Facebook that she and “Patriotic Lithuanians” are the organizers of this event.

Protest passport of opportunity: MPs will gather with alarm, smoke and drums at the Seimas on Tuesday

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Listed the requirements

Nida Vasiliauskaitė, a philosopher and associate professor at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, shared 9 points on Facebook last week, which will be required during the protest.

1) Reject the draft government resolution that promises prohibitions and restrictions as of September 13;
2) Reject forced vaccination projects, both for children and adults;
3) Eliminate all pressure and discrimination against healthy people on the basis of these vaccines;
4) Complete the mandatory tests;
5) Delete the “passport of opportunity”;
6) Reject the Government’s request to reform the Labor Code and the Civil Protection Law;
7) Cancel the state of emergency;
8) Terminate any action to join the Davos Forum;
9) Resign the Government. Absolutely.

“A simple rally will not be enough, it will not change anything – we need a Maidan, we need all of Lithuania for the Seimas, determined not to withdraw until the requirements are met.” Without fear that someone will intentionally compromise and dissuade the beauties or the dishes: let what comes come, it is important that we come and do not give them our freedom. Nothing exists and it has not been more important than it has been since World War II, “wrote N. Vasiliauskaitė.

He stressed that this date was “more important than January 13”.

“So, in case of failure, one threatened to live longer than after living in the occupied Soviet Union without an independent state; now, in case of failure and passivity, he threatens to live in the conditions of a new and more real apartheid, no longer in a legal state, no longer as citizens, where everything can happen at any time, no more visible human rights, nor The Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and any international legal norms and obligations apply. And if we succeed, we will help introduce similar processes across Europe, ”wrote N. Vasiliauskaitė on Facebook.

Many doors will close after September 13.

The government is administering a coronavirus vaccine for more than a month, and as of September 13, opportunities for passport-less people would be severely restricted.

“Contact services and entertainment could be provided only for people who meet the criteria of the passport of opportunity,” Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys presented the proposals during the government meeting on Wednesday.

During the meeting, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the proposals in principle through a formal decision, and the adoption of the resolution is expected in the near future, probably this Wednesday.

Hold a protest for the Passport of Opportunities: MPs will gather with alarm, smoke and drums at the Seimas on Tuesday

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

Constraints are introduced in two stages

The government anticipates that the first restrictions will come into effect from the date of the decree and will be linked to the occupancy of COVID-19 beds, and the main restrictions will take effect on September 13.

“Some restrictions would come into effect soon, some restrictions would come into effect later, but a few weeks imposing these restrictions would be enough time for a person to get vaccinated to develop immunity, five weeks,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said.

The draft resolution stipulates that people who have not been vaccinated or are not infected with the coronavirus will only be able to shop in small stores without a negative PCR test.

It would also establish that people without immunity and who have not taken the test will not be able to use both urban and interurban public transport.

A. Dulkys pointed out that another important change is that to obtain a passport of opportunity, an antigen test would no longer be appropriate, just as to obtain it, the free test would be abolished, unless a person cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. reasons.

“The antigen test to obtain a passport of opportunity would be abolished and free tests would be abolished, that is, only those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons would be free to obtain a passport to access,” said the minister.

You will no longer need masks with your passport.

Services, shops, shopping and entertainment venues, restaurants, cafes, bars and other entertainment venues, game rooms, commercial and non-commercial cultural, entertainment, sporting events, celebrations, fairs, festivals and other gatherings will be open to individuals only with immunity as of September 13 and children under 16 years of age.

Unrestricted access to these sites will be available to individuals who have been vaccinated with a full vaccination schedule and have acquired immunity, as well as coronavirus-confirmed antigen and PCR tests or serological antibody tests, and a negative PCR test in the last 48 hours. and children up to 16 years old.

Meanwhile, activities that do not meet these criteria will be restricted: they will be able to buy only in establishments whose main activity is the sale of food, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, optician with independent entrance from the outside, and their sales area is less than 1,500 meters squares. meters. This also applies to stores that are located in a shopping center, the total area of ​​which does not exceed said square.

It has also been established that in the case of contact services for people without possibilities, the passport requirements are valid in terms of the observance of a distance of safety, hygiene and necessary personal protective equipment. Meanwhile, when serving individuals with a passport of opportunity, masks and other security requirements set by the operations manager are recommended.

Vaccine for coronavirus

Vaccine for coronavirus

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

In addition to the passport – limited services

It is proposed to limit services for those who do not have access to the passport to two stages: one is related to the number of COVID-19 beds occupied in hospitals, beauty services are still allowed during this period, outdoor events and the list It will be reduced from September 13.

The first restrictions would take effect when COVID-19 bed occupancy in personal healthcare facilities reaches 250 beds. According to the Department of Statistics, currently 200 coronavirus patients are being treated in hospitals.

As of September 13, the list of activities allowed without a passport will be drastically reduced. Minor repair requests are only allowed when the contact lasts no more than 15 minutes, veterinary services, museum exhibits and exhibitions, libraries will be accessible only to pick up books.

In addition, if the passport is not available, only the necessary personal medical care will be provided in health care institutions, and social services will be provided to such persons.

The list no longer includes beauty services, local passengers (urban and suburban), long-distance and international transport services, events in open spaces.

Opportunity Passport Extended Operation

Aušrinė Armonaitė, the head of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, who initiated the Opportunity Passport, notes that it is returned according to the principle “do not disturb people who have been vaccinated with restrictions”.

“This means that in catering establishments, elsewhere, there is freedom to communicate, there are no additional obstacles to business,” said A. Armonaitė.

According to the decision of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, as of Monday, the opportunity passport is no longer valid for a week, but for a month. A. Armonaitė also confirmed that the validity of the opportunity passport will last from two weeks to two months.

The Cabinet of Ministers agreed last week that with the increasing number of COVID-19 beds occupied in hospitals, restrictions would be introduced on contact activities for those without a passport, with a few exceptions.

People who have been vaccinated, have been diagnosed with a coronavirus and have a negative test result can obtain a passport of opportunity.

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