History of a luxury villa in Kaunas: a house built by the “record holder” prime minister who ruled Lithuania for almost a decade | 15MAX


“This is the village of one of the richest people who lived in Kaunas between the wars. One of the most luxurious and modern “, – Laimonas Užomeckis, the” Kaunas details “guide, assured us as he walked through the prestigious Žaliakalnis district and stopped at the Kaunas Art Gymnasium building.

He soon began to tell the life story of the villa owners and began to trace it on February 7, 1920, when Jadvyga Chodakauskaitė (1891-1988), an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, married Juozas Tūbelis, a public figure active and economist of 8 years. -1939), then Minister of Agriculture and State Assets. J.Tubelis was a close friend of the head of state, so the fact that the wedding party was held in the presidency is not surprising.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min photo / Historic Presidency in Kaunas.

Photo by Irmantas Gelūnas / 15min photo / Historic Presidency in Kaunas.

“The celebration was organized by Jadvyga’s sister, Sofija, wife of the then President of Lithuania, Antanas Smetona. The celebration was attended by the entire Prime Minister’s office, the team of A. Smetona, celebrities from the city of Kaunas and Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas, who made vows to the couple at the Vytautas Magnus Church. At that time, J.Tumas-Vaižgantas was the baptizer and winner of all, both the people and the cornerstones of Lithuanian buildings, ”revealed the guide.

Photo from the Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature / Vaižgantas near the Vytautas church with the Kaukas puppy in 1928. Beautiful

Photo from the Maironis Museum of Lithuanian Literature / Vaižgantas near the Vytautas church with the Kaukas puppy in 1928. Beautiful

After failing to join the Seimas with the Nationalist Party in 1920, leaving the ministerial duties, J. Tubelis immersed himself in business in 1923: he founded the Union of Lithuanian Agricultural Cooperatives Lietūkis with his colleagues, in 1925 he became president of the Anonymous company Maistas, in 1926 Dienocentras, association of transforming companies.

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Pieno centras

Eriko Ovcharenko / 15min nuotr./Pieno centras

The year 1923 is significant for the Tūbeliai family also because it is the year of gestation. After leaving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on All Saints’ Day, November 2, J.Tūbelienė gives birth to her daughter Maria.

“The delivery was very difficult, it almost cost the life of the mother and the newborn. The girl suffered an injury during childbirth: she was unable to raise her arms above shoulder level for her entire life. However, she became one of the most famous artists, whose 66 paintings are stored in the National Museum of Art MKČiurlionis “, – L.Užomeckis told about the tragedy experienced by the family.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15-minute photo / MK Čiurlionis National Art Museum

Erik Ovcharenko / 15-minute photo / MK Čiurlionis National Art Museum

Since the man held a high position, he “grew up” in one of the strongest companies in Lithuania, earned a lot, Jadvyga was not allowed to return to the civil service according to the procedure of that time. He devoted his full attention to his daughter.

Record holder minister

In 1926, after the coup, after the return to power of A. Smetona, in May 1927, J. Tubelis was appointed Minister of Finance and remained in this position for almost 11 years. J.Tūbelis ruled the country’s financial system until his death. According to the guide, this is a Lithuanian record.

Smetona and Tūbelis were two inseparable people who ruled Lithuania together.

“Smetona and Tūbelis were two inseparable people who ruled Lithuania together. It is wrong to say “Smetona Lithuania”, it is necessary to change your attitude and say “Smetona and metro Lithuania”.

On September 23, 1929, Juozas Tūbelis became Prime Minister and set another record for Independent Lithuania. None of the prime ministers of the interwar period and of modern Lithuania has been able to hold this position any longer. He was Prime Minister until March 1938: 8.5 years. Thus was born another saying: “Republic of brothers and groomsmen”. The president was A. Smetona, the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, J. Tūbelis, who ruled the entire Lithuanian economy, and their wives were the Chodakauskaitė sisters, ”L. Užomeckis smiled.
