Higher education, vocational training and non-formal education activities have been approved.


Non-formal adult education activities, if not possible remotely, will be available in the usual way starting May 30. Heads of higher education institutions, providers of vocational training and non-formal adult education are required to organize these activities with as little contact as possible between people.

To ensure a safe environment for higher education teachers and students, vocational school teachers and students, providers, and participants in non-formal adult education activities, organizers must comply with these and other requirements to prevent the spread of infection by coronavirus (COVID-19).

In higher education, vocational training and non-formal adult education, contact flows are restricted to maintain a safe distance (at least 1m) between people.

Information about the need for personal hygiene (hand hygiene, cough, sneezing, etc.), the obligation to wear protection for the nose and mouth (masks, respirators, or other means), as well as contact information to participate in activities to people who develop fever (37.3 ° C or higher) or who have acute signs of upper respiratory tract infections (eg, runny nose, cough, shortness of breath).

It is recommended to measure the body temperature of all persons entering the contact area at the entrance and not to allow persons with fever or other acute signs of upper respiratory disease. They should be advised to consult the Coronavir hotline at tel. 1808 or contact your GP for a remote consultation.

Organizers should ensure that contact points are staffed by staff with no signs of acute upper respiratory infections and other communicable diseases, and that their health is regularly monitored. Workers experiencing these symptoms should be removed from work immediately and are advised to consult the Coronavir hotline by phone. 1808 or contact your GP for a remote consultation.

Upon receiving information from a worker about a disease diagnosed with COVID-19 (coronovirus infection), the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) is informed and the NVSC cooperates to identify exposed individuals and apply 14 days of isolation. Employees who are subject to mandatory isolation can only work remotely during this period.

Organizers should ensure that those involved in activities do not have direct contact with staff whose duties do not include carrying out these activities (eg cleaner, caretaker, electrician, plumber, etc.) or other bystanders.

Proper hand hygiene conditions must be provided at activity sites: sinks are supplied with hot and cold water, liquid soap and disposable towels are provided. Conditions are created for hand disinfection: in a clearly visible place at the entrance, the toilet disinfectants are hung on the toilets. It is also suggested that recommendations on good hand hygiene be made public.

The premises should be ventilated as often as possible. The premises where activities are carried out must be ventilated before the arrival of the people involved and during each break. Frequently touched surfaces (educational aids, door handles, door frames, table tops, chair supports, stair rails, electrical switches, etc.) are cleaned with a surface cleaner at least twice a day .

If common areas (hallways, etc.) are used for the organization of the activity, they must be ventilated and cleaned after the use of each class. If the educational tool, the inventory is used by more than one person, they should be cleaned and disinfected after each use. Other environmental cleanups are carried out in accordance with the recommendations to clean facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Catering for people participating in activities is organized according to recommendations for public catering establishments, accommodation, taking into account recommendations for accommodation service providers.

The decision of the Minister of Health, Head of State Operations for State Emergencies, can be found here.

All manual operations solutions can be found here.
