Herbalist named a plant that reduces the development of cancer by up to 5.5 times: this has been proven by research


Oncologist Edita Juodžbalienė and phytotherapist Virgilijus Skirkevičius spoke about the effect of plants on cancer in the “Prescription for Health” program.

– On the Internet we can find various lists of plants that are supposed to help prevent cancer diseases. How much is this really possible?

– V. Skirkevičius: This is somewhat complex. Now many people need valerian on their nerves, it can really be helpful. I am no longer talking about other plants like root crops, peonies. It is also very important how a person eats, how he digests, how he thinks. When a person lives in fear all the time and is afraid of the wrong food, he is afraid to go to the forest because there are ticks, because the birds bring some kind of flu, to be afraid of the environment where you live, there is also the conduction of cancer . Different things cause disease for everyone and plants are chosen individually for each.

For example, wormwood is best suited for women with breast and ovarian cancer. Studies have even been conducted showing that wormwood reduces the development of cancer by 5.5 times. We should not be afraid of plants for both prevention and treatment. When a person goes to the doctor and is diagnosed with cancer, he is overwhelmed by great fear and the many problems that beset him.



As a result, you shouldn’t be afraid to consume the plants in conjunction with what your doctor will prescribe for you. They can help to better absorb chemical drugs, but also improve the performance of the liver, blood and kidneys. The plants have been used for 1,000 years, but now they are put aside, left to the “grandparents”, although they can surely be given professionally. There are certain rules when you need to take it for a longer period of time. It is necessary to take the most common mixtures, take 21 at a time, then take a 3-day break, change the recipes.

– Obviously, the disease and its treatment are complex. Doctor, you have been working with cancer patients for many years. Do you have any observations on the diet and lifestyle of patients before they get sick? What should people change in their lives?

– E. Juodžbalienė: Contribution to Virgilijus: Chronic stress does not really help with the stress of oncological diseases. What a person can do: If you can’t find your internal doctor, oncologists won’t help you much. There has to be a very high motivation to indulge yourself. If you get sick, you should review your lifestyle as much as possible and change it. Until they are young, they often don’t understand it. Unfortunately, medical attention is necessary from an early age.

First, you need to take a holistic approach to health when you get sick. Calm down, find some activity, direct thoughts, get organized, sleep, take nutrition. Body tissues are the type of food we eat. Everything should be as fresh and nutritious as possible. We have to move because man was created to move, not lying in front of the television or sitting in front of the computer for 10 hours.

Edit Juodžbalienė

Edit Juodžbalienė

© Photo from personal album

Treating comorbidities will also be easier if we follow a healthy lifestyle. Cancer is a long-term process: something has been going on in the body for many years, and once the disease has started, we have to deal with the consequences. To prevent other tissues from getting tired and to help treat the disease, we can use herbal medicine, all kinds of health measures. Then less other drugs will be needed, the person will feel stronger, the psychological state will also be better.

– Mr. Virgil, you will probably agree that people are choosing an extreme. Suppose you only consume plants and the medicine is called chemistry. Do you think it is impossible to combine these two methods?

– V. Skirkevičius: I would very much like to see the two methods combined, and not to single out one type of treatment. If we think that plants will do everything and chemistry is not necessary, that is not the correct thinking. And vice versa. Plants can be used not only for cancer, but also for other diseases. In preparation for the interview, I remembered how oriental medicine talks about cancer. It is said that there are 4 types of cancer: it is said that one is caused by karma and there is nothing you can do, we could say that it is due to genetics.

There is a traditional cancer in which a person gets sick and is treated with chemicals and plants. The third species is spiritual and the fourth species comes and goes without treatment. It is an interesting historical phenomenon, not necessarily everything was really an oncological disease, perhaps it is also applicable to other diseases. It is not always necessary to drink only coffee and black tea. There is such a fashionable gaurometer that it calms and is a diuretic that cleanses the body, has anti-cancer properties and reduces metastasis. Banana tea can be used, it has a prophylactic effect, reduces inflammation, kills cancer cells. We have many plants, they protect themselves from various negative effects, they accumulate polyphenols. Even a simple apple eaten at night can go a long way. Its skin, which protects the moisture from the apple, has many protective ingredients.



Firewood is also very fashionable, which actually has many good properties for treating bile and liver diseases. It is a special plant, it has a lot of strength, it can also be used to treat cancer. I just always have a question about how a person uses that plant: if you go back to looking for all the chemicals and still use the potent plants without any advice, you can hurt yourself. A teaspoon of celandine, chopped and blanched with hot water, divided in two can help. But if it is used for a long time, it can start to dehydrate the mucous membranes, in some cases it can damage the stomach. Specialists should be consulted in this regard. There are many plants around us that can work, only sometimes this information is unknown. […] Believers are much better at enduring illness and healing, pain because they see meaning, they trust God. And unbelievers are much quicker to feel disappointed or strangely convinced that they will get through it all and be very strong. You must want to change and think about why these diseases are transmitted.

– You probably agree that physical illness cannot be separated from mental health either. Traditional treatments: chemotherapy, drugs, radiation therapy are quite aggressive. What can a person at a time like this and what can not consume? If a person is being treated with chemotherapy, then the immunity should no longer be strengthened?

– E. Juodžbalienė: We are used to chemical drug treatment, but its history is only about 100 years old. Until then, healing was done with what is in nature. Unfortunately, we did not become healthier with the advent of drugs, which means that we are doing something wrong. Medications respond quickly. But we can also use the wisdom of our ancestors. There are really a lot of plants in Lithuania that we can use. Dandelions will bloom quickly which helps the gallbladder and is a really good plant. […] Sometimes patients take dozens of different supplements, there is no logic, the doses are too high. I would suggest turning to what is in Lithuania.



– We can’t really give a prescription to cancer patients, but maybe we can give some advice?

– E. Juodžbalienė: the patient sees the doctor for 20-30 minutes every few weeks. He is with himself all the time, so he has to take care of himself, know the body. A person often does not see when moles appear, that the chest is red, does not know that he is bleeding and what he leaves in the toilet. If there are any wounds that do not heal for 3 weeks or more, you should already be alarmed. If someone is bleeding, coughing up blood, you should also be alarmed. People don’t pay much attention to themselves.

– Virgil, what advice would you give to those who look at us?

– V. Skirkevičius: I would suggest taking advantage of spring and filling the body with green substances, chlorophyll, which stimulates blood circulation. You need to move, eat tender greens, dandelions, nettles, parsley, radish. Of course, do not overdo it with dandelions and nettles to make the salad tasteless, but it can be mixed with our usual vegetables.

Virgilijus Skirkevičius

Virgilijus Skirkevičius

Radish can be mixed with scalded tender nettles, dandelion leaves. These spring forces must be used. A simple and very Lithuanian recipe: choose wild raspberry seedlings, black currant leaves, or wild strawberry seedlings and leaves. All of them have a strong anti-inflammatory effect, improve liver and kidney function, depending on our old age.

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