Heat is especially dangerous for these people: doctors send a warning


“During the exhausting heat, the human heart works under a higher load, the heart rate increases. Right now, people with hypertension feel much worse, and patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease are more likely to have angina attacks. By therefore, at the beginning of each summer, it is necessary to see your doctor and have a preventive examination, “says Milda Kovaitė, a cardiologist at the Santara Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital.

According to her, there is a significant increase in complaints from people about heart problems in the summer. This is generally associated with a significant decrease in body fluids, as many of them are lost in the heat through the skin. In addition, it is affected by increased breathing, according to a press release. Therefore, it is especially important to drink plenty of water in the summer.

The human body responds to heat by sweating. This is a protective reaction. And the body needs water to sweat. It is better to drink not only water, but freshly squeezed juice, green tea, even mineral. It is important not to overload the body with excessive amounts of fluids and avoid bloating, so drink frequently, but in small amounts.

“If a person suffers from specific health problems, such as high blood pressure or heart failure, they may have swollen legs during the heat, posing an additional risk of blood clots.” Thrombosis symptoms: limb pain, severity, itching, swelling, bruising, varicose veins. In this case, it is also important to consume enough fluids to prevent the blood from thickening. Prolonged exposure to the sun should also be avoided. This can not only cause skin problems, but also increase blood pressure and increase heart rate, “says the cardiologist.

Eat these products

According to Milda Kovaitė, it is especially important to eat well during the heat. “Of course, each person’s case is individual, but the best diet for the heart is the Mediterranean. This means that the daily diet should include vegetables (at least 300-400 grams), fruits, fish at least once a week, meat products: beef or chicken, low-fat dairy products, olive oil, however, if a patient is diagnosed with kidney failure, the diet should be adjusted in such a way that products with high potassium content are avoided (like bananas and dried fruit), “says the cardiologist.

The main requirement for nutrition in the summer – food should be light. The digestive process should not put additional pressure on the body, as it already suffers from heat. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of animal fat in the summer, quit smoking and sweets, soft drinks, alcohol and coffee.

The necessary supply of heart of potassium and magnesium, which the body loses along with sweat, can be easily replenished by consuming zucchini, eggplant, squash, fresh potatoes, broccoli. It is better to choose vegetables grown outdoors. They have significantly more vitamins and trace elements than those grown in greenhouses. By the way, vegetables not only provide the body with valuable substances, but also replenish fluid reserves (especially cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelons).

Of spring fruits and berries, cherries (with strong antioxidant properties), apricots (provide oxygen to the tissues, soothes the heart), raspberries (liquefy the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots) are especially useful for heart. All spring berries are beneficial to the body due to the high content of vitamins and trace elements and substances that ensure normal heart function.

It should not be forgotten that proteins and fats are essential for the cardiovascular system. Summer menu: lean meat (best chicken or rabbit), fish, eggs (1 unit per day), low-fat dairy products. Of fats, it is best to use only vegetable oils.

In the summer, it is necessary to supplement the diet with natural substances that help combat the increased risk of thrombosis, strengthen blood vessels and control blood cholesterol levels. Clinical studies in Europe, Asia and the United States have shown that the enzyme natatinase (from fermented soybeans) naturally improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Reduce the load

The researchers report that natatinase reduces blood pressure in people with hypertension, destroys old blood clots, and prevents new ones from forming in the veins, arteries, and capillaries. In a complex with monocoline K and plant extracts, this enzyme exhaustively controls cholesterol levels, helps prevent circulatory disorders, thrombosis, inflammatory processes in the blood vessels and slows down the process of atherosclerosis.

Cardiologist Milda Kovaitė, a doctor at the Santara Clinic of the Vilnius University Hospital, recommends avoiding physical activity during heat, especially in the sun. This will reduce stress on the heart. Gardening, exercising, shopping is best in the morning or at night when the air temperature is lower. If you still need to get out of the house in the heat, don’t forget your sun hat, choose light clothing made from natural fabrics and try to be more in the shade.

To prevent vascular spasms, it is necessary to control the temperature regime; do not suddenly change the heat to cold and vice versa. The temperature difference between the rooms where the air conditioning works and the outside must not exceed 7-10 degrees Celsius. When swimming in the sea or other bodies of water, do not submerge abruptly in the water, but gradually enter. Bathing is recommended only if the water temperature is at least 20 degrees Celsius.

Seniors and people with cardiovascular disorders can only enjoy water treatments with a satellite, especially if they are traveling a longer distance.

“Most importantly, don’t forget to take the medications prescribed by your doctor. Most believe that they will feel better during the summer holidays, so the pills may be temporarily forgotten. This opinion is incorrect and may endanger their health. Do exercise: bathing or working in the garden at high temperatures and in the sun can cause serious consequences: hypertensive crisis, angina attack, myocardial infarction, so in the summer it is necessary to take special care, “says M. Kovaitva.
