Heartburn is caused even by seemingly innocent products – doctor recommended what could improve well-being


The prevalence of this disease is almost equal between men and women. It is noticed that it is more and more common in younger people. The main symptom of GERD is heartburn, which is a burning, gnawing, and heaviness behind the breastbone. The quarantine has also contributed to these ailments, as its restrictions have added extra pounds to many.

Surveys show that one in three Lithuanians has gained 3 to 7 kilograms in weight, and the increase in body weight may be a consequence of gastroesophageal reflux disease, according to a press release.

Gastric or intestinal disorders are not new to physicians receiving patients weakened by the coronavirus. However, coughing and chest pain may not necessarily be associated with coronavirus infection.

Rūta Petereit, a nutritionist and doctor of medical sciences who noticed this trend, said more detailed clinical studies that reveal the real damage of the coronavirus are still lacking.

Scientists must answer whether the coronavirus can cause stomach and digestive ailments, since COVID-19 infection is a new disease in the world.

However, doctors are increasingly faced with the phenomenon in which the coronavirus not only attacks the lungs and respiratory system, but weakens the digestive system. Often these ailments are atypical, confusing even professionals.

Studies have revealed a variety of disorders

During the pandemic, Dr. R. Pereereit encountered many patients who seemed to have easily escaped from livestock, but who did not feel healthy for a long time. They needed advice not only on dietary treatment, but also on being overweight and obese.

Rūta Petereit

Rūta Petereit

© Photo of the organizers

More than one study found that 90 days after hospitalization for COVID-19, up to 18 percent of people have gastroesophageal reflux disease. The findings show another 20 percent. patients complain of decreased appetite, nausea (18%), diarrhea (15%), bloating (14%), vomiting (9%), abdominal pain (7%).

These ailments not only cause discomfort, but can also lead to malnutrition, lack of sleep, bad mood, loss of energy and joie de vivre.

GERD is a chronic disease that disrupts daily human activities. This disease is one of the most common reasons that both the young and the old seek medical attention.

It is important to diagnose and treat in a timely manner because sick people experience a lot of physical and mental suffering.

There is more than one cause of the disease.

Dr. R. Petereit often asks patients what gastroesophageal reflux is and when the disease develops.

For one thing, GERD is a normal physiological process that occurs several times a day. It is associated with temporary relaxation of lower esophageal fever, which is not related to swallowing and can cause stomach contents to enter the esophagus. This condition is not sick yet. When the wrinkle of the esophagus becomes loose, it is not good.

If the amount of juice that returns to the esophagus exceeds the norm, reflux is more common, leading to the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Even young people of working age are increasingly requesting heartburn medications from a pharmacy due to weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle, and increased consumption of certain foods.

Nervous tension and stress are harmful

There is more than one cause of GERD.

Gastric acidity

Gastric acidity

It may be more than just abnormal lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. The appearance of GERD can be influenced by certain characteristics of the autoimmune system, with frequent nervous tension and stress.

The use of certain drugs also contributes to gastroesophageal reflux disease, such as antihypertensive drugs, antihistamines, as well as theophylline, nitrates.

Heartburn can also be aggravated by diabetes, pregnancy, obesity, diaphragmatic hernia, and excessive physical activity.

The disease can also be triggered by certain internal causes beyond the control and lifestyle of the person, such as increased abdominal pressure due to disorder of the pleural sphincter, a band of smooth muscle that plays an important role in the transfer from gastric contents to the small intestine.

An esophageal hernia also contributes to burning pain under the breastbone, up to 70 percent diagnosed. patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease.

A warning for coffee lovers

The habit of starting your day with a cup of coffee can also make you feel worse in the long run. Dr. R. Pereereit noted that coffee lovers suffer from heartburn much more often.

A woman is preparing coffee

A woman is preparing coffee

“During a pandemic, many people drink no more than one and not two cups of coffee while working from home.

I will remind you that a large amount of caffeine, which is more than 300 milligrams a day, can have an impact on health, “said Dr. R. Petereit.

The list of stimuli that exacerbate GERD symptoms also included fatty steaks, pickled vegetables, chocolate, and cocoa. Spice lovers should also check their menu and protect their esophagus, as even cinnamon or mint tea can make you feel worse.

A burning sensation is a key feature

In gastroesophageal reflux disease, the main symptom is heartburn – a burning, biting, and heaviness behind the breastbone. Meals can also cause bitterness, heartburn, or heartburn in the mouth, making it difficult to swallow with pain.



There are cases in which GERD presents without typical symptoms. For example, a chronic dry cough or shortness of breath, even bronchial asthma attacks, can lead to the suspicion of a disease other than GERD.

Often patients can not suspect anything, and about 10-20 percent. Patients may also complain of atypical symptoms of GERD, such as wheezing, hoarseness, a sore throat, and a sensation of being trapped in a foreign body. Bitterness in the mouth, increased salivation can also be an atypical sign of GERD.

Save non-medical methods

Dr. R. Pereereit said that gastroesophageal reflux disease can be prevented by developing healthy lifestyle habits.

It is important to regulate the body weight, the body mass index should be 18.5 to 25, if the weight increases during the quarantine, more exercise and exercise is needed.

However, physical activity should not be done immediately after a meal, it is advisable not to engage in physical activity for at least two hours after a meal.

And two hours before bedtime it is also advised not to eat. If the symptoms of GERD are severe, there may be a 3-hour sleep break.

Non-drug treatment is also important. While there are several ways to block hydrochloric acid production and reduce the acidity of gastric juice, these are often short-term measures.

There are also cases where when you stop taking the pills, you start to produce so much hydrochloric acid that your heartburn strikes with double force. Therefore, self-medication can be dangerous.

Help from the plant world

Because gastric acid imbalance is associated with a variety of causes, an integrated solution is needed.

One of the latest effective herbal formulas combines licorice, fenugreek, fennel, yellow gentian, ginger, as well as important trace elements, enzymes, and good bacteria.

Rūta Petereit

Rūta Petereit

© DELFI / Šarūnas Mažeika

The so-called integrated solution with a new form of DGL licorice is now available in Lithuania. deglycyrrhizinated liquorice), digestive enzymes of plant origin and carefully selected plant seed and root extracts, magnesium, inulin, lactose and bifidobacteria. Such a combination has many advantages, it helps to maintain a normal gastric acid environment and has a positive effect on digestion.

Research has shown that licorice has a positive effect on increased acidity of the stomach, esophagitis, mucositis, or ulcers.

Licorice in the form of DGL is characterized by the elimination of glycyrrhizinic acid, making it more effective and without side effects. Such licorice has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa, helps to maintain the balance of gastric acidity, and can be used for a long time.

The new formula also includes the trace mineral magnesium. It is a universal regulator of the metabolic processes involved in the synthesis of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids.

The muscles need magnesium, as well as the esophageal sphincter, the condition of which can affect the sensation of heartburn. Certain diseases such as high blood pressure, insomnia, diabetes, depression or anxiety also lack magnesium, so it is necessary to replenish its reserves in the body.

Inulin is another natural substance that improves intestinal function. It is a natural vegetable polysaccharide that reduces constipation, improves the absorption of magnesium and calcium, as well as increases the amount of lactose and bifidobacteria.

Dr. R. Petereit recalled that the combination of medicinal plants is a universal way to regulate not only the acidity of the stomach, but also to reduce spasms, restore damaged stomach cells, improve motor skills and digestion, restore a natural microbiota It protects against inflammation.

Good digestion is necessary for well-being, because it was not in vain in ancient times that Chinese doctors first asked not how a person feels, but how his intestines are.

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