health concerns – justified


The minister stated this after talks between the Ministry’s representatives and the relatives of R. Pratasevičius on Monday.

“Yesterday we contacted Raman’s relatives, I can say so much that their concern is justified and, without revealing personal details, what is being broadcast in the public space has a basis,” G. Landsbergis told LRT radio on Tuesday.

The Belarusian opposition information channels announced on Monday, according to their statements, unconfirmed information that R. Pratasevic was in one of the Minsk hospitals and that his health condition was critical.

The story of the journalist’s mother was also reported that her son is in poor health and has heart problems.

Shortly afterwards, the Minsk regime channels published a video in which Pratasevičius claimed to be healthy, held in one of the Minsk isolates, that officials were treating him correctly and that he would give “confession” evidence of organizing mass riots.

According to Landsberg, this video is also extremely concerning, as it reveals that the journalist’s speech could have been extracted under duress and torture.

“The video of Raman himself is very disturbing. None of me have the impression that he could have been forced to say those words, obviously he did it involuntarily, we see some abrasions on his face and it really leaves the suspicion that it was not physically translated, tortured, ”said G. Landsbergis.

“This is a great concern for us, for his parents and for the international community as a whole, that is why I am contributing to the immediate release of all those who require that he return to Vilnius, where he lives, and to his life.” friend, Mrs. Sofia Sapega, “added the minister.

Asta Skaisgirytė, foreign policy adviser to President Gitanas Nausėda, told Knowledge Radio on Tuesday that the video showed that R. Pratasevičius was alive.

“He speaks for himself and is apparently affected by the threats, as if admitting to having organized mass riots. Once again, knowing how statements of this type are extracted from people, we do not buy this statement as an actual statement. But a person is alive, and that’s good news, ”A. Skaisgirytė told Knowledge Radio on Tuesday.

R. Pratasevičius, one of the founders of the popular information telegram channel Nexta, was arrested in Minsk on Sunday after the regime forced the landing of a Ryanair plane flying from Athens to Vilnius using military aviation in the Belarusian capital. . His longtime friend, a Russian citizen, S. Sapega, was also arrested.

Presidency: So far there is no evidence that the Kremlin contributed to the operation by landing

So far, there is no direct evidence that Russian special services contributed to the unprecedented overthrow of the Aliaksandr Lukashenko regime, when an airliner flying from Greece to Lithuania forcibly landed in Minsk on Sunday.

However, according to Asta Skaisgirytė, the senior adviser to President Gitanas Nausėda, there are assumptions that the Kremlin may have contributed to the high-risk operation, during which opposition activist journalist Ramanas Pratasevičius was detained.

“At the moment, direct evidence (not ELTA) should be collected, if any. Of course, if the operation was organized by the Belarusian KGB, then they will work closely with the Russian FSB. It can be such an indirect interface. However, we have no evidence at this time, “A. Skaisgirytė told” radio Žinių “.
