Health benefits of the most popular herbs: improves memory, digestion, reduces blood pressure


“Lithuanians have loved herbs since ancient times: people grew dill, parsley and mint in their gardens. These herbs were used to flavor various salads, cold soups and soups, meat or fish dishes or were used in the preparation of canned fruits and vegetables, ”says J. Sabaitienė.

Although traditional and long-popular herbs are still the most widely used in Lithuania, according to her, recently imported spicy herbs from elsewhere, such as coriander, basil, thyme and rosemary, are also gaining popularity in Lithuania, according to a press release. .

According to the expert, these herbs not only give a unique flavor to a variety of dishes, but are also beneficial for health. Also, most herbs have healing properties and are rich in antioxidants, essential oils, and vitamins. Regular consumption of these wonderful and natural foods improves immunity, helps the body fight microbes and eliminate toxins.



J. Sabaitienė also mentions more good properties of the most popular herbs and explains the ways of their use.

dill. Dill is one of the most widely used herbs in Lithuania, which is often grown in the garden. This spice, in addition to its aromatic and taste properties, also has health benefits. Dill dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, improves heart function, and strengthens the body’s immune system. Dill is perfect for a variety of vegetable salads, they go well with meat and fish dishes. Not to mention cold beets and other cold soups.

Parsley. Parsley enriches dishes with a brilliant flavor and aroma. The folic acid in parsley is one of the most important B vitamins that is good for cardiovascular health. In addition, it acts as an effective means of preventing the heart, diabetes, and even cancer.

Parsley differs from other herbs in that it weakens its bright flavor when dried. Therefore, depending on the dish being prepared, choose which parsley you want to season. If the dish does not require a bright herbal flavor, you can choose dried parsley, but if you want a brighter taste and aroma, use fresh herbs.

mint. Mint is a popular ingredient in food and drink, from teas and cocktails to sauces, salads, and desserts. The inclusion of peppermint in the daily diet has a positive effect on the body: it improves digestion, brain activity and memory. Drinking peppermint tea reduces symptoms of colds. In addition, consuming peppermint improves odor and oral health. Because peppermint has antibacterial properties.



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Calendar. The calendar is widely used in Mexican and Asian cuisine. It is used to flavor a variety of soups, salads, candles, soldiers, trails, Asian pasta or rice. Coriander is a fragrant, antioxidant-rich, health-promoting herb.

Incorporating calendula into your daily diet can help lower blood sugar, fight infections, and improve the health of the heart, brain, digestive system, and skin condition.

Basilica. Basil is a very popular spice that is well known for its flavor and healing properties. Basil leaves are rich in vitamin K, which supports normal blood clotting and promotes wound healing. In addition, basil has antibacterial properties: the essential oils they contain, along with other substances, inhibit the growth of bacteria and microbes.

Basil is especially popular in Italian cuisine, they use basil to make a variety of sauces, pasta, meat or fish. Place on pizza, bruschetta. They also flavor a variety of cocktails or lemonades. However, these herbs can also be used to make sparing tea when you feel a heavy stomach or when digestion stops. Pour fresh leaves into hot water and drink tea 3 times a day between meals.

Thyme. Thyme is rich in vitamin C and is also a great source of vitamin A. If you have a cold, thyme tea can help you recover faster. Thyme is also rich in other healthy substances: copper, iron, and manganese. This herb is especially suitable for flavoring meat, fish, poultry and vegetable dishes. It is also suitable for marinating roast meat, preparing soups and sauces, and seasoning vegetable dishes. Thyme is also used in making desserts, added to cocktails or lemonades.



Rozmarinas. Rosemary contains carnosic acid, which acts as an antioxidant and helps fight cancer cells. In addition, rosemary leaves help regulate the intestinal microflora, improve the absorption of beneficial nutrients, and help eliminate toxins. Rosemary seasoned pizzas, Italian bread, potatoes, lasagna. They are also great with meat, especially when preparing a fillet of beef. Rosemary is also used in various drinks or lemonades, and it works especially well with oranges.

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