Head of the Private Medical Clinic in Kaunas: “There is real chaos in medicine, we are left without cardiologists”


Services scheduled at treatment facilities have been suspended to avoid the risk of spread of coronavirus infection (COVID-19). After a time, the Ministry of Health began to urge medical institutions to resume operations as soon as possible.

Medical facilities are formally reopened when they develop and coordinate with the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) a plan for the renewal and delivery of services to ensure adequate infection control, patient and physician safety. During the quarantine period, each treatment facility decides for itself when and what services will be resumed, how they will be delivered to patients, remotely or live, and how patient flows will be managed.

“It is recommended that some medical institutions have responded to the Ministry’s call to resume operations as soon as possible.” Especially since the volume of inpatient services during quarantine was minimized. Still, the passivity of some hospitals is worrying. We need to understand that the first wave of coronavirus has been successfully controlled, we need to adapt and learn to live in the so-called new reality. Founders and managers of medical institutions must understand that the priority is the health of patients, “said Aurelijus Veryga, Minister of Health and Head of State Emergency Operations at the state level, in early June.

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / in Kaunas clinics

Erik Ovcharenko / 15min photo / in Kaunas clinics

As soon as possible, resumption of service provision was encouraged by various means: both changing services. The payment procedure of the State Health Insurance Fund, as well as the reduction of requirements, such as the reservation of available medical equipment.

It has been announced that after resuming the provision of scheduled services, hospitals will have to reach the indicator set in 2 weeks, to use at least 80% for the provision of scheduled services. infrastructure, that is, and. beds, medical equipment, etc. It has also been announced that after resuming the delivery of scheduled services, hospitals should work at least 80% in 2 weeks. capacity per day, calculated from its maximum capacity. In the first stage, that is, immediately after the resumption of services, institutions were recommended to use half – 50 percent. – capacity.

May 29 According to 2006 data, only 38% of the city and Kaunas district had submitted activity renewal plans. outpatient clinics, 35 percent. hospitals and 39 percent. dental offices, in total, only 38 percent. All treatment facilities. True like 15 minutes The journalist was informed by the Kaunas Department of the NVSC, and the activities of the main Kaunas County Hospital and Polyclinic had already resumed in early June. The situation changed very quickly.

June 4 According to the data, 74% had prepared plans for the renovation of the stage. outpatient services, 76 percent. inpatient services and 78 percent. Kaunas County personal health care institutions that provide dental services. In total – 818 (77%). Kaunas City and District on June 4. 628 (76%) personal health care institutions had resumed their activities or were preparing to resume their activities soon.

Public secret revealed

NVSC Kaunas Department, requested 15 minutes journalists, June 8. He indicated several personal health care institutions that provide inpatient personal health care services in the city and district of Kaunas, which did not present plans to the Kaunas Department. Vilija Kildienė, director of UAB VAKK (Dra. A.Kilda klinika), located on Gaižiūnų Street, was not surprised, after all, her private medical clinic resumed its activities on May 11, so why NVSC? claim otherwise?

“We were one of the first to resume operations. We do not provide inpatient services, we only have one day hospital,” explained V. Kildienė.

She spoke about a public secret, the fact that the Kaunas University Clinics prohibited specialists from working in other medical institutions, only with them, so UAB “VAKK” lost, for example, cardiologists and was unable to offer the services of these specialists for some time.

“Those specialists work in the Kaunas clinics, of course, in the largest position compared to their other workplaces, but during quarantine they cannot work or earn anywhere else, only in the Kaunas clinics. And that inaccurate information about 1/12 of the health insurance funds. After all, many institutions, especially private ones, do not work with health insurance funds. It does not affect us, we work privately, nobody pays us anything. A twelfth was paid to public institutions. They received the money even though they were not working or on call.

Everything here is so summarized that you can not imagine it. Chaos has been created in medicine. Only people suffer, especially from districts. No one is available to consult. Everyone calls, they want to be fucked, and there is nothing we can do to help. There will be long queues at public institutions. A person needs a cardiologist, where will he go? Private cannot accept. This affects all of Lithuania ”, V. Kildienė was angry.

Chaos has been created in medicine. Only people suffer, especially from districts.

15 minutes recalls that after quarantine was announced, when polyclinics and hospitals discontinued scheduled services, they were paid a twelfth of their previous earnings. When they resume, the payment procedure is also reviewed. Minister A.Veryga has repeatedly called on healthcare institutions to start providing more actively scheduled services. For institutions that do not even canceled the financing of a twelfth.

When asked what difficulties, in addition to the lack of personnel, the institution faced the renewal of its activities, V. Kildienė explained that the pace of service provision has changed: after each consultation, it is necessary to disinfect the facilities and take breaks. If a specialist admitted 10 patients before quarantine, they can currently accept 5.

“I have recaptured the other employees, we have to pay wages, but we do not receive as much income as before,” said the head of UAB VAKK.

Photo of Kaunas clinics / Kaunas clinics

Photo of Kaunas clinics / Kaunas clinics

Kaunas Clinics: working in other places is not prohibited

15 minutes The journalist wondered if the Kaunas Clinics really did not allow specialists to work in other medical institutions and therefore create a kind of chaos, because the government recommended and did not order doctors to provide services in a single workplace. .

Head of the Communication Service at Kaunas Clinics Austė Aleksandravičiūtė-Šviazienė 15 minutes He assured that employees are not prohibited from working in other treatment facilities.

You must also sign “No Documents” that prohibit working at another medical institution. “However, from the beginning of the quarantine, to protect as much as possible against the cross contamination of various medical institutions with COVID-19, they were asked to Kaunas doctors who organize their work in other medical institutions in cycles according to the respective workload in different workplaces ”, he explained.

According to A.Aleksandravičiūtė-Švraucienė, during the quarantine period, the Kaunas Clinics have reorganized their working principles according to the algorithms provided so that doctors can work in cycles and this is coordinated in good faith with the administrations of other institutions in personal medical care (by agreement).

Following the resumption of scheduled inpatient and outpatient service provision, in accordance with the decisions of the Minister of Health A.Veryga (V-1018 and V-1019 of April 29, 2020), Kaunas Clinics continues to ensure the requirements of Infection control for the safety of employees and patients, cross contamination prevention, – services are provided through the organization of work cycles and staff work schedules.

“These measures help ensure minimal contact between employees, the safety of employees and patients, and the traceability of contacts. In order to reduce the probability of our employees becoming infected with COVID-19 and to prevent its possible spread At Kaunas Clinics and continually ensuring the provision of vital healthcare services to Lithuanian patients, we have been doing everything possible to protect our employees and patients since the beginning of the pandemic, “Kaunas Clinics representative.

More than 7 thousand people work in Kaunas clinics. employees, of which 2,212 doctors, more than 2,300 nurses.

The NVSC’s list of no-show renewal plans also indicated UAB Akių lazerinės chirurgijos centras, operating on Savanorių ave., But a representative of this institution 15 minutes He assured the journalist that the company resumed operations in May.

“We are a day hospital, we perform day surgery. We are already operating, consulting”, – on June 10. said a spokeswoman for the Eye Laser Surgery Center.

Starting June 15. According to the Ministry of Health, almost 75% of all medical institutions operating in Lithuania. outpatient clinics, 85 percent. hospitals and just over 84%. dental offices have already opened or plan to open their doors to patients in the near future.

According to NVSC on June 15. According to the data, 171 hospitals, 1,580 polyclinics and 1,811 dental offices have already submitted plans for the renewal of hospital services in Lithuania to the NVSC.
