He warns of ordering the house: you can be without work and without money


Lukrecija, a resident of Panevėžys, invites a long excursion to a small room after the repair in the LNK news report.

“They (walls – ed. Note) were the same, he sees where it doesn’t matter, let’s fix it. I can’t instruct the master. When I started lubricating here, I see that the corals are already coming out of those walls,” said Lukrecija Dūdienė of Panevėžys.

The woman found the teacher through advertisements in the newspaper. It is known that he has a half-year job ahead of him and wanted repairs sooner.

“He came with a scooter, he brought a roller, a wide shovel board. I didn’t have a brush to paint, “he said.”

The client admits that he trusted the publicly known teacher, so he did not request a working document, nor did he sign contracts for a room. Now he regrets that the teacher did not correct the defect, did not return the advance and money for materials.

“I say, look, holes, bumps, squares, there are drips. They say dry it, everything will be beautiful, ”said the Panevėžys resident.

The walls dried in half a month, but the hostess’s sight was ugly. The teacher interprets it differently.

Is going wallpaper peel off, Bee if someone fixes it and paints it. I saw that there was not very good preparation under those wallpapers, I say that you have to putty, more seriously prepared. I did, and had already started to criticize me before I finished my work: and that will be bad, and that too. I say that the work is not finished ”, explained the teacher to the news.

The master assures the experienced and does not accept criticism for quality. On the contrary, there are complaints about customers who claim to want the cheap and the good.

“They say ‘oh, it’s expensive for me here, maybe it’s cheaper for me here.’ Well, okay, it could be cheaper. It won’t be bad, but it just won’t be as perfect as glass and the like. Okay, then he says, look, well, you could be nicer. Fix it here, fix it there and then you get tired, you do it, ”said the teacher.

“I say fill the hole here, and who is told to fix it here”, the woman presents her version.

The Labor Inspectorate cannot help the apartment owner because there is no contract with the foreman on how to prove who worked in the apartment.

“It just came to our attention then. It is written that he will do the job,” said Chief Labor Inspector Vaidas Pauliukas.

According to Consumer Defenders, an oral works contract is also possible, but the written test is recommended as evidence. Otherwise no one will accept the defect, the owner would have to hire an expert.

“It is very important to define the object of the contract in the contract: what and how much work will be done in the field of repair and construction. Because we are faced with these types of requests from consumers when they indicate that they have asked for flooring, plastering and painting, but they have not finished or fled and they have not finished the job, ”said Milda Deimantė, Senior Advisor of the Consumer Rights Protection Service .

If the foreman worked for the client without a business license or individual activity certificate, then the resolution of the dispute is only possible through a court. Consumer advocates usually deal with disputes when there are contracts, checks. Complaints without these tests are said to be complex and often impossible.
