He warns about a new position of shared power: “There will be a problem both in the Seimas and in the Government”


As R. Karbauskis told the news portal tv3.lt, the rulers may have problems if the Government is formed with the members of the Seimas.

“If they form the Government mainly of the members of the Seimas, it will be a problem in both the Seimas and the Government. There will be a problem in the Seimas, since it will be very difficult for them to gather 71 members, since almost all the Government will have to to be in the Seimas, we have experienced it and we know it.

Without a minister in the Seimas, we do not elect 71 members, and they certainly will not, because it is clear that if there are not a few more ministers in the Seimas of 74, there will be no majority. As I understand it, there may not be a few people here, but 10 people who will be members of the Seimas and at the same time ministers, ”said the peasant leader.

R. Karbauskis explained that he wanted to see them work as soon as possible to be able to compare them: “I would very much like to hear at least one word about the control of the coronavirus, what they will do differently. If they impose a state of emergency, I imagine how their electorate will react. If we start loosening the restrictions, I can imagine how people will react. What are they going to change? Probably nothing. “

(39 photos)

PHOTO GALLERY. Conservatives, Liberals and the Freedom Party have signed a coalition agreement

Karbauskis: “Almost everyone could sign such a coalition agreement”

The peasant leader R. Karbauskis also thanked the coalition agreement signed by the future rulers. According to him, the issues listed in the agreement that are of particular importance to individual partners, on which there is no general coalition consensus, will remain unacceptable.

“The coalition is preparing such an agreement for two weeks, it’s a bit of fun. After what is written in their coalition treaty, with the exception of the last part, almost everyone could sign, because there is nothing written there We were all waiting for the 20% who disagreed, probably that 20%. It was the last paragraph on aspirations, “said R. Karbauskis on tv3.lt.

According to the peasant leader, A. Armonaitė, president of the Freedom Party, and V. Čmilytė-Nielsen, president of the Liberal Movement, are happy with the agreed liberal values, but that means nothing.

“The part of the agreement that talks about the liberal values ​​for which Armonaitė and Čmilytė-Nielsen are happy, does not mean anything at all, because there is no possibility of making those decisions in the Seimas.

And that is very well understood by conservatives. I don’t think there are enough votes in the Seimas to legalize drugs or other things. Thinking about what was going to happen, they signed it as aspirations. If this shows up in the commitments, it could lead to a crisis in the coalition. Obviously, this will not enter the government’s program. I can’t imagine how this could appear on the government’s program if they didn’t even dare to include it in the coalition agreement as a mandatory point, ”said R. Karbauskis.

2020-2024 Seimas member certificate delivery

Paluck: “It is not necessary soaping eye “

Gintautas Paluckas, the leader of the Social Democrats preparing to work in the opposition, also believes that the parties that formed the coalition have written separate points on which no compromises should be made.

“It has been entered into separate items so that no compromise can be made. As a coalition, the three parties have agreed not to even do that. I think the fact that one or the other party tries to register something individually is. That the coalition does. will do is a fact that it will not. There is no need soaping eyes – everything is clear here. There is no common ambition for these things and they will not be implemented unless the votes of the opposition factions are sought.

“Human rights are high on our agenda, but if the large conservative group does not support them, even our votes on human rights issues, the spelling in the Istanbul Convention or other similar issues will not be enough,” Paluck said.

Gintautas Paluckas (photo by Fotobank)

Uspaskich: “Start being a hypocrite from the beginning”

Viktor Uspaskich, the leader of the Labor Party, said that the coalition agreement is silent and only slogans can be seen on it.

“The goals are good, we can support them, but so far they are just slogans and nothing concrete. You can see that classical liberalism goes beyond its promises and almost nothing is recorded. We will see what the Government’s program will be like. And the states. they will not rule with such slogans, because it is necessary to create clear and understandable bills.

You see, they start being hypocrites from the start. The agreement allegedly did not include, but noted in a paragraph, that such wishes exist on either side. That is hypocrisy. There is no specificity on whether this will be implemented or not. I just pointed out that the parties wanted, but it is not clear if it will be implemented.

The ruling majority of the peasants was really very critical, I criticized many of their decisions. I would like the new ruling majority to do something better soon. But so far I see from this agreement that there will only be swimming downstream and there will be nothing new, “said V. Uspaskich.

Viktor Uspaskich is voting (photo by fotodiena.lt)

The Labor Party aide explained that they would support the spelling of personal names on the main page of documents in all letters of the Latin alphabet.

“Our party will follow a conservative family policy, because that is our voter.” We doubt that we will support same-sex marriages, “Uspaskich said.

Paluck said the issues mentioned in the coalition agreement were also concerning.

“Several things are worrying: the privatization of various areas, education and health services. The greatest responsibility is transferred to the person himself in the reception and training of quality services. This will create a two-speed society.

The second is a somewhat inappropriate approach to the State’s commitment to its citizens and the sustainability of public finances. When it comes to raising teacher salaries, other things, and tax cuts at the same time.

I cannot imagine what miracle economy my colleagues in Lithuania are going to implement: when budget revenues are reduced and at the same time budget expenditures are reduced. They are very dangerous and immature proposals. I hope such an initiative is not supported, “said G. Paluckas.

Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen

Opposition vows to support Čmilytė-Nielsen candidacy

R. Karbauskis declared that the peasants would vote and support the candidacy of the leader of the Liberal Movement Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen to the Presidency of the Seimas, if it is presented.

“We will definitely support her. We want this government to start working because it would be unfair and unfair to interfere with it. It just benefits us to start working faster to see the differences in how we work and how they work.

I understand that in the coalition itself, that candidacy may not be supported for one reason or another, let them judge for themselves. I am sure that the opposition will vote for Čmilytė-Nielsen by a large majority. We can almost elect Čmilyte-Nielsen as Speaker of the Seimas and without the votes of the office, only with a vote of the Liberal Movement, ”said R. Karbauskis.

The leader of the Social Democrats G. Paluckas declared that he himself supports the candidacy of V. Čmilytė-Nielsen for the position of president of the Seimas, and the faction will make a decision on Wednesday.

V. Uspaskich said that V. Čmilytė-Nielsen is a good woman: “But we will not really interfere in the division of their positions, they will have enough votes and they will let them be distributed; it is their internal business, not the opposition.”

Negotiations on the opposition leader are not yet underway

Leaders of parties preparing to work in the opposition say that negotiations on opposition work and the opposition leader’s position have not yet taken place.

The opposition is currently studying the post of parliamentary deputy. Karbauskis said he will not seek the post of vice president of parliament as the leader of the largest opposition faction. Mr. Paluck explained that they had “several very experienced MPs who would perform these functions perfectly.”

“We will talk later about how and why the opposition should elect an opposition leader,” Paluck said.

Uspaskich mentioned that the opposition leader could rotate as before.

“We will be a constructive opposition that we have not had in four years. We will have a shadow government, we will have a government program, we will have alternative budgets,” said R. Karbauskis.

Notice how the coalition agreed and signed the contract:
