he told what was happening in his house


She is complacent, pretty, but hurt and has a rich inner world, that’s how the role of actress Alfreda can be described. Karina says that in preparation for filming, she gained experience interacting with women from the same fate.

“I tried to prepare for the role as much as possible and fill those places that I don’t know. For this reason, I have met several women whose reality corresponds to the life of my character.

I had to live with some of those women for a day. One of them is an acquaintance of mine from Šiauliai, who was married to a gang member at the time. I was wondering how their family life developed and they told me that at home these people are very caring, kind, loving and very family oriented.

What they do outside the door is an entirely different world, and in their personal lives they are wonderful and loving husbands and fathers to their children. Of course, I think that all the women who decided to live with men like that knew perfectly well where to lie down and what awaited them. It’s her own choice, “Karina said.

Not only the talent of the actress, but also K. Stungyte, who has been awarded for her great looks, is often hampered by the roles of beautiful, often superficial women. However, the actress, in turn, adds her charisma to the characters she dedicates to her and ensures that there are no bad roles.

“It just came to our notice then. Of course, I would also like to test myself on other characters. I will never forget my role in the Doomsday series, where I had to take up arms, run, shoot and participate in the dirty bandit business. That experience was really very exciting and fun. Well, and all the other roles called beauties are interesting too.

For example, each gang member wife also has her own inner world. “My heroine also has a strong attitude and is a fighter, although she is being raped, she is still fighting for her property,” she said.

According to Karina, an important part of the fulfillment of the role also depends on the director.

“Working with Ričards Vitkaitis is a pleasure. He recovers every detail, gives relevant and unimaginative advice. It tries to portray as accurately as possible what really happened in the 1990s. It is important to understand that these women are not only beautiful, not they are empty inside ”, assured K. Stungytė.

The actress also remembers perfectly the moments when it was not safe for a girl to go home at night.

“I lived and grew up in Šiauliai. The Band of Princes was very relevant at that time. I had the opportunity to see the girls being dragged into the cars. In those days you were approached by a luxury BMW or Mercedes. I saw it all with my own eyes, then I was a teenager. Fortunately, I did not experience it myself: I was not tense in the car, I was not beaten or insulted. But I remember those times well since I was a teenager. I was very afraid of going home alone late at night, so I always asked my cousin to come with me, ”recalls the actress.

The wild 1990s touched practically every Lithuanian city. The Karveliai gang was furious in Biržai. This rather powerful criminal group controlled the markets, extorted money from local businessmen and farmers, and tried to implement virtually all popular illegal enrichment schemes at the time. The pigeons successfully hid their traces of the crime, which was also influenced by the corrupt local police.

While filming about this group, K. Stungytė not only met the wives of representatives of the criminal world, but also new colleagues: the newcomers Gabriele Ladygaitė, Justas Tertelis and Emil Pavilionis, who plays the role of her husband Slifer.

When asked if they did not feel an acting barrier when creating a role with less experienced actors, the interviewee was satisfied with the professionalism of the colleagues: “They did not feel younger. All the very professional and talented people who managed to enter the context without any obstacles. “
