He told me what was happening during the quarantine: why didn’t prices drop when the used car business languished?


“After the quarantine announcement, the Kaunas car market emptied. There was uncertainty in the market. But not because of the virus itself, but because of the closed walls. Because most of the clients in the market are foreigners. They left Lithuania. And even if there was anything left, you still couldn’t log transactions. Most of the buyers have recently been from Ukraine. And, of course, they left before closing the borders. “V. Naujanis recalled the beginning of the quarantine.

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Valentinas Naujanis

Photo by Marius Vizbaras / 15min / Valentinas Naujanis

V.Naujani was seconded by businessman Arūras, who sells used cars imported from abroad in Panevėžys. He said the quarantine scared buyers as necessary. April was tragically poor, according to the car dealer. Only a few cars were sold.

The seller claims that the situation is already improving now, as buyers who were initially unaware of the quarantine postponed purchases, such as a car, to a later date.

“When the quarantine was announced, it was more or less good for two more weeks. Everything stopped. I have been selling cars for more than fifteen years, I do not remember so much heat even during the 2008 crisis that this is how trade would stop” , opened Artūras.

Other dealers said car buyers had become much more demanding during the quarantine period. Let’s say you want to buy a car for 3000 euros for 1500-2000 euros.

However, according to Valentinas Naujanis, the prices of used vehicles have hardly changed.

Prices drop only when some cars hit the market and entrepreneurs bring new ones.

“As previous crises have shown, prices drop only when some cars go on the market and entrepreneurs bring new ones. However, the market was empty and no one was driving new cars. So even if the negotiations took place, It is for 200 euros. Of course, if someone had offered the car for half the previously requested price, other dealers would have bought it to resell it. However, there were no significant preconditions for prices to fall in the past two months, ” V. Naujanis explained.

In May, the situation began to improve.

“Since May, things are improving again, more calls, people are looking again, they are interested, they are buying a little more.” Only Ukrainians no longer exist. We didn’t have much before, but it happened. But perhaps things will turn out well, the quarantine will end and trade should recover. People will be guaranteed their income again and will be able to plan. We hope that by autumn everything will be as it was before the quarantine, “said Artūras, who sells cars in Panevėžys.

According to Artūras, even a slightly reduced price did not help attract buyers in April. At this time, the seller no longer applies any price discounts as he expects sales to increase.

“We also tried to reduce prices symbolically, by a hundred or several, but still nobody was interested in cars. And now it is gradually buying at normal prices. Sometimes you have to wait more for a buyer, but as I say, each machine has your own buyer, the time will come and you will buy.

We transport cars from Belgium and France. Buyers are more interested in diesel station wagons, basically people’s needs have not changed. The same wishes of the Lithuanians have been for a long time: diesel and a lot of space, ”said Artūras.

Buyers returned two weeks ago

Valentinas Naujanis realizes that life in the Kaunas car market rebounded after the border regime relaxed 2-3 weeks ago. It is true that so far only the number of Latvian buyers has increased, and they themselves are visiting the market. If buyers from Ukraine could come, the situation would improve further.

“At the moment, the remaining Ukrainian car entrepreneurs are working in Kaunas. Buying, loading car transporters, shipping. Here, too, two trawls left yesterday,” V. Naujanis made no secret of his optimism.

According to the director, the most popular cars, whose price varies between 3-4 thousand. However, Ukrainians are buying and twice as expensive, at a cost of more than 6 thousand. EUR.

SEE ALSO: Every July 1st. will pay the registration fee for the car and who will not?

According to V. Naujanis, the activity of buyers from Lithuania was also increased by the registration fee, which will take effect on July 1.

ALSO READ: Autoplius Conclusions: What’s Changing in the Used Car Market

It is clear that the used car market is recovering, so there is no objective reason to expect a drop in prices.
