He spoke about the future of Nausėda: the critical point will be this month


Professor Lauras Bielinis from Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) sees two reasons for the struggle between the conservatives and G. Nausėda.

“One of them is related to this day: it is important for them to control G. Nausėda and force him to obey their policies and not interfere with the actions they take. And there is a strategic interest: thus pressuring him and denigrating his image, they are preparing the ground for the next elections.

In the next elections, they will probably love their candidate again, who is I. Šimonytė, here G. Nausėda will be a big obstacle for them. “So I think that at the end of the term, Mr. Nausėda will have a difficult relationship with the conservatives, and it will not be that love, but there will be no peace between these two structures,” said L. Bielinis.

The political scientist noted that G. Nausėda also defends her positions.

“He does not want to give up that place, because he realizes that by taking a step back, he is allowing the rulers to take over his space. I think this situation will continue, “said L. Bielinis.

The fight for competitive power is natural

The Lietuvos Rytas commentator was not inclined to consider prospects as long as the upcoming presidential election.

“But the fact that there is a competitive power struggle over influence in the same foreign policy area and on a particularly important political front of the European Union. It is strange that this is not the case. This is natural. But I wouldn’t put him on that alone. Not even the first thing I would get into.

The fact that this fight will be that the Conservatives will try to push him, to win a place for I. Šimonyte, has been clear since the beginning of the legislature. They talked about it quite frankly behind the scenes at the highest level. This is natural mainly from an objective point of view. Let’s be intimidating, but we have to admit that the Conservatives are right in this place from a business point of view, “said V. Bruveris.

The reviewer noted that Conservative leader Gabriel Landsberg has repeatedly stated that such deals are based on political deals.

“This has been the case since the time of eternal rest at A. Brazauskas. As always, A. Kubilius is to blame for this situation, who, on the basis of an agreement, succumbed to a sufficiently ultimatum claim from D. Grybauskaitė and delivered this scene to the then president. S. Skvernel did not dare to pick it up, although there were attempts to agree that they would go by arrangement.

And although G. Nausėda tried to negotiate with him, he first tried to handle it on an informal level, just stubbornly and did not give up, looking at everything through the prism of ambition and political power, “V. Bruveris said.

He believes that G. Nausėda is the main culprit for his stubbornness because this whole situation has turned into an absurd struggle of emotions and ambitions.

“Maybe it was guided by the logic of letting the conservatives into the church, and they would climb the altar. If I let I. Šimonyte go once, I won’t see the towers of Brussels. Maybe he’s right, but they didn’t even try to negotiate, “Bruver said.

At the epicenter of the fighting there is an important post

According to the critic, this situation pushes the entire state and its foreign policy into a theater of the absurd.

“The most important embassy is the hostage to this situation: the Lithuanian embassy to the European Union, which has not had a boss for over a year.” The beech trees of G. Nausėda block this process. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, the leader of the Conservatives G. Landsbergis brings as many depoliticized candidates as possible.

Karoblis tried to claim, it was clear that Nausėda was immediately disqualified. But trying to bring in experienced career diplomats, G. Nausėda still blocks everything, turning him into one of the tools of blackmail. I don’t know how to evaluate him, especially when he accuses the other side of his advisor’s anti-state activities, “said V. Bruveris.

Suggest not to dramatize the situation.

Professor L. Bielinis suggests not turning this whole situation into one big drama.

“Such tensions exist in every state,” Bielinis said.

The political scientist believes that these struggles are not beneficial, in the first place, for conservatives.

“In my head, for conservatives, this is a flawed procedure because over time they will lose occasional voters who will one day become important to them. “His image with such aggressive behavior towards other politicians, towards the president, destroys his confidence in them,” said L. Bielinis.

Both sides mobilize the electorate

Critic V. Bruveris believes that the electorate on both sides is mobilizing in this fight.

“That nine year old and Catherine de Pabaisko, they are getting even more angry with the conservatives with whom they are already angry. Meanwhile, the conservative electorate, which has always felt the great injustice that Ingrid is not the president, but Gitan, who has always been politically zero in their eyes, makes them feel even more successful when they see what is happening, “he said. Bruver. .

From the strategic perspective, in his opinion, this is more dangerous for G. Nausėda.

“We are already seeing the trends of disappointment in G. Nausėda.” A lot of people are beginning to think that they voted for a pot that sounds empty, “Bruver said.

The great intrigue is this month

The critic noted that the vast core of power plays is waiting this month. A formal summit meeting is approaching, to which a delegation will be formed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the government.

“Will the European Affairs Commission” recommend “and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government will simply form a delegation headed by the Prime Minister and report to the European Summit, which will send the permits to the delegation already headed by Šimonytė I?” Very interesting if the Conservatives will do this this month, “Bruver said.

In your opinion, this could happen.

“I think they should want to take a step back. Unless other mechanisms come into play, maybe G. Nausėda will offer some discounts for the ambassador to the EU,” commented V. Bruveris.

L. Bielinis doubted conservatives would accept it.

“Knowing how confusing it is in the Seimas and how difficult it is for the conservatives to get support even among those in power, it will probably be extremely difficult for the conservatives to force G. Nausėda not to go,” the political scientist said.

The critic who participated in the program agreed that G. Nausėda sometimes manages to unbalance the ruling coalition.

“At least the Liberal Movement, as a true gentleman from Klaipeda (behaves), (…) it is a symptomatic fact that it was Bagdon who voted with the ‘peasants’, as the Presidency needs, by a single vote (decision in the Ethics and Procedures Commission), “said Mr. Bruver.

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