He spoke about rare postovival disorders: in summer we are preparing for a significant flow of patients


According to the Info Day program doctor, residual events sometimes occur in people with coronavirus after 3-6 months of illness.

“Post-ovid syndrome is now called the human condition that occurs after the acute phase. It is usually evaluated 3 to 6 months after the recurrence of the COVID-19 infection, “said M. Marcinkevičius.

He recalled that at the beginning of the pandemic, respiratory disorders were recorded as residual phenomena: shortness of breath, shortness of breath, cough.

“Now there is more and more data on neuropsychiatric symptoms. That most common symptom is general weakness, but several studies have already shown that it is very often accompanied by cognitive impairment: difficulty concentrating, working, very common memory disorders, frequent sleep disturbances, that is, rather persistent insomnia, “noted M. Marcinkevičius.

According to the psychiatrist, according to current data, about half a year after the illness, the second most common complaints after general weakness are occupied by the aforementioned neuropsychiatric symptoms.

“These are biological disorders, they are not related to psychological factors, which we separate and examine separately. These things are believed to be due to brain damage, which is why we call them neuropsychiatric symptoms, ”the doctor explained.

Associative photo.

Associative photo.

He noted that in addition to these symptoms, COVID-19 patients often develop depression.

“This is not strange, because this infection has been found to affect the lungs not through the lung tissue itself, but through the blood vessels. Naturally, they are damaged not only in the lungs but also in other organs. Be that as it may, the brain is our most sensitive organ ”, argued M. Marcinkevičius.

The doctor also pointed out that the human brain is very sensitive to short-term oxygen deficiency. Therefore, if a person develops severe respiratory failure during or after illness, neuropsychiatric symptoms may be associated with cerebral hypoxia when the brain receives insufficient oxygen.

“The post-ovid symptom develops much more frequently in those who have had a severe form of the disease,” emphasized the doctor.

Mr Marcinkevičius noted that the UK already had specialty post-midcap clinics.

“We don’t feel massive flows yet, but we really have individual patients who didn’t have any mental health complaints before the fight and they come to us a few months after the illness, because they can’t live their normal life anymore, they can’t. longer work due to cognitive functions, memory disorders. “Depressive symptoms are often accompanied, of course,” repeated the doctor.

Recalling that the peak of coronavirus disease in the country was in December, psychiatrists, according to M. Marcinkevičius, are already preparing for a possible wave of patients with neuropsychiatric symptoms.

“We believe that at the beginning of summer we will have a significant flow of these types of patients and we are preparing a little for that,” said the doctor.

When asked by the host of the show how to treat these disorders, M. Marcinkevičius replied that no special drugs have yet been found.

“Symptomatic treatment is given according to the predominant symptoms,” added the doctor.
