He says he supports the rulers, and how does V. Pranckietis, who has become a liberal, vote to vote?


Having decided to participate in the elections with the Liberal Movement, V. Pranckietis stated that, while serving as President of the Seimas, he would continue to be guided by the program of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania (LVŽS).

“And what is outside the program, I will consider in my opinion,” said V. Pranckietis, who left the “peasants” in September 2019.

And although the rulers have recently addressed issues that are not included in the LVŽS government or electoral programs, V. Pranckietis chose the opposition side by voting on them.

State pharmacies: it was proposed to reject the idea

Neither in the LVŽS electoral program nor in the Government program do the rulers speak about the desire to establish a network of state pharmacies, but rather they allude to the desire to reduce the prices of medicines. And that, according to the rulers, and it would be possible to achieve it by establishing a network.

Photo of Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Agnė Širinskienė and Ramūnas Karbauskis

Photo of Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Agnė Širinskienė and Ramūnas Karbauskis

Statesmen Ramūnas Karbauskis and Agnė Širinskienė tabled amendments to the Pharmacy Law regarding state pharmacies to Seimas in May 2018. The opposition Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) party called for a break on the project. V. Prackietis, like all the rulers, did not support the break this time, and did not participate in the voting for the presentation.

The state pharmacy project returned to the Seimas room just this year, before the end of the Seimas period. The main health committee proposed to reject the project. The rulers voted against or abstained, the opposition voted in favor. V. Prackietis also spoke in favor of rejecting the project.

In voting on which committee should adopt the amendments, the President of Seimas, like all the opposition, spoke in favor of the Economy Committee. But the Law and Order Committee was elected by vote of the ruling.

Lobbying law: abstained

Outraged that the capital’s Lukiškės Square had been turned into a temporary beach, authorities this week introduced a bill on the commemorative status of Lukiškės Square in Vilnius. Although V. Prackietis did not participate during the submission procedure, he abstained from voting on the inclusion of the project on the meeting’s agenda. The rulers voted otherwise.

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas sitting

Sigismund Gedvila / 15min photo / Seimas sitting

The rulers also took a new version of the Lobbying Law out of the drawer. Politicians have vowed to change lobbying regulation on electoral and government programs.

During the presentation and consideration of the draft in the Seimas, V. Prackietis did not express his position, but abstained during the adoption. All members of the Liberal Movement abstained or voted against.

At the end of Seimas’s term, a resolution on the establishment of a state bank also reached the Chamber. V. Prackietis abstained from voting on this initiative of the rulers during the presentation procedure, did not participate in the meeting during the discussion and voted “against” during the adoption. The entire Liberal Movement also voted unanimously. The rulers, of course, voted unanimously in favor.

“The project in Lukiškės square can be”

So does all this mean that V. Pranckietis no longer follows the political line of the rulers?

“I did not vote with the liberals everywhere, where I abstained, they voted against. I think there is diversity in our minds and that is one of the freedoms where you can decide how you think,” replied the spokesman for the Seimas.

I think there is diversity in minds and that is one of the freedoms where you can decide how you think.

He promised to support those projects that will be provided by the rulers, but will be smart.

“When the laws are reasonable and who has been included in the program, I said that I voted for the program and I have to help implement it,” explained V. Franckietis and commented separately on the reasons for each vote.

The draft law on the layout of Lukiškės Square does not solve anything and is occasional, said the Seimas spokesman: “I think it may be, but it is also occasional and does not solve anything. I think time will tell what should and should not be in that square. “

Admittedly, the beach in the capital, he believes, should have stayed elsewhere.

“I think Lukiškės Square is a symbol anyway. What has happened now is that that beach in fact attracts a lot of people and attention to this square. The beach is good because nobody can drown in it, but it is not good because it could have been done in another place that is attractive to people, not necessarily in the central square ”, considered V. Pranckietis.

Promises not to support commemorative initiatives

He said he did not support the initiative for state pharmacies because he did not believe such a business would be successful.

“Regarding the Pharmacy Law, yes, I think government companies have never been successful and many of them are still not very successful,” explained V. Pranckietis.

“I abstained from the Lobbying Law, because Vytautas Bakas’s arguments that it should be supplemented were made very clear. And that law does not solve the problem of lobbying.

You will be given, as Povilas Urbšys likes to say, a screen behind which it will still be possible to hide a little. It does not solve the problems and was definitely done occasionally. Why did they let us fall for two years and why didn’t we? Because there were no elections. Now that there are elections, it is necessary to show their most beautiful faces again, ”said the spokesman for the Seimas.

LVŽS is said to behave incorrectly

In the electoral program, the “states” contemplated the possibility of establishing a state or mixed capital regional development fund administered by a national incentive financing institution. However, this initiative was found in the Seimas room only before the elections, so V.Pranckietis did not support it.

We haven’t done anything in three and a half years, and now we give people hope that someone will give away cheap money.

“It was recorded on the LVŽS program four years ago, with that program came LVŽS, but for three and a half years we did nothing, and now we give people hope that someone will give money for nothing or cheap money.” I think this is false, incorrect, and that’s why I voted in favor, ”explained the president of Seimas.

“Even if you created a state bank, even if you are not talking about it, you would not be able to make loans on easier and simpler terms, because you would also have to act responsibly with the money that would be available to that bank.” And just talk about making loans more affordable – they won’t be more affordable. They will be exactly the same, “he added.

Nonpartisan V.Pranckietis announced Tuesday that he would participate in the Seimas elections with the Liberal Movement.

Sixth elections will take place in October.
