He pointed out the weaknesses of the Šimonytė Government: mistakes cannot be avoided


T. Ignatavičius, a critic of the daily Lietuvos Rytas, said that Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys could be the first to leave the government. In approving the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gitanas Nausėda publicly questioned his powers in this area and said he would certainly not give 100 days for “entry”.

In the opinion of T. Ignatavičius, A. Dulkis will have to answer many complex questions that are already being asked by the public, including in relation to the vaccination process.

“Regarding the Prime Minister, it may be A. Dulkys. Because I already imagine that soon, at some point, he will answer the questions of the public about the vaccination plan. The Minister did not have to answer those questions even today, nor tomorrow, but yesterday. When will the highest doses of the vaccine arrive? There are also more answers to the questions we would like from the Minister of Health. “Due to the statistics of those numbers always confusing,” he called the problems.

Arūnas Dulkys

Arūnas Dulkys

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

Former Health Minister Aurelius Veryga was criticized during the pandemic for being too prevalent in the media. T. Ignatavičius stated that A. Dulkys even misses the opportunity to speak.

“There is so much silence at SAM’s graves right now. Perhaps his predecessor Aurelius Veryga spoke too much, took too much breath. He talked for hours. It seems that A. Dulkys is learning from the bad example of A. Veryga, but it is not always right to miss the opportunity to speak, ”he said.

“This could give A. Dulkys more information, both about the future pace of the vaccine, and whether anything is being done to make it more available in Lithuania,” T. Ignatavičius said on the show.

Antakalnis Support Hospital

Antakalnis Support Hospital

© Vidmantas Balkūnas

Politicians and opposition representatives should also ask these questions of A. Dulkis. There is still such silence now, although it is clear that the Minister does not have 100 days. Most likely, President Gitanas Nausėda will ask them. (…) Of course, it will likely be clear soon whether or not we have these contingency plans or if we have a way to save the business. Because the quarantine has been prolonged. This is a question for the Ministries of Economy, one of them is the Ministry of Economy and Innovation ”, and another reviewer named the critical areas by the reviewer of the newspaper Lietuvos Rytas.

He said the Ministry of Agriculture would also be at the forefront of criticism.

Mistakes won’t be avoided

Professor Tomas Janeliūnas, a political scientist at the Vilnius University Institute for International Relations and Political Science (VU TSPMI), who also participated in the program, said he did not yet want to evaluate the work of individual ministers.

“I would be in no rush to assess, or say so, that the Health Ministry governors will be ready to change as soon as possible. In my opinion, it is too early to say what will be removed from the ministers, because there is enough work for everyone, “he said on the” Events and Comments “program.

The political scientist assured that no minister of this government has 100 days to start working.

“Of course, no minister has 100 days at the moment. If there are mistakes, they will have to take that responsibility much sooner. In this case, everyone is tense, quarantine and pandemics make it really difficult for everyone to feel good and work. Politicians are also more likely to make mistakes when time is up, ”he said.

T. Janeliūnas said on the show that there will inevitably be mistakes after all.

But those mistakes will inevitably be. I don’t want to predict, but of course we will see those errors, perhaps a failed communication. But I hope all ministers are determined to allocate their time and best resources in good faith and as much as possible so that we can get out of that pandemic as soon as possible, ”said political scientist T. Janeliūnas on news radio.

He pointed out the weaknesses of the Šimonytė Government: mistakes cannot be avoided

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

The advantage of the new government

T. Ignatavičius, the Lietuvos Rytas reviewer, mentioned three advantages of the new government over the government of former Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis.

“I would see three advantages of the current government over the previous one. (…) First, that the current government knows about quarantine, the pandemic wave according to what happened in the spring, can predict, learn from the mistakes made. The second is that at least it has developed a vaccine and vaccination has already begun, like a light at the end of a tunnel. “It can also be harmful if the process is not controlled,” he said.

And the third, according to the radio interlocutor, is the fact that the Seimas elections will not be tied to the authorities.

“And the third is that this year there are no elections to the Seimas, there are no elections at all. This opens the hands of the current ruling majority and the Government, who can make decisions without looking at the qualifications. Because that was why the hands of the previous government were tied up, ”said T. Ignatavičius, a critic of Lietuvos Rytas, on the radio news program“ Events and Comments ”.

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