He is asked to increase the sentence for the perpetrator of the Shančiai tragedy, who has not even complained about it.


Relatives of a 16-year-old boy from Murmansk, who tragically died at one of Kaunas’ crosswalks, still appealed the verdict at the last minute to the drivers of the SUV that crashed him. As a result, the Kaunas Regional Court returned to the circumstances of this tragedy, which caused great repercussions.

The feeling decreased

As has already been written, a month ago, at the end of the period to appeal said sentence, the Kaunas District Court hastened to establish its entry into force. Although, given the emotions that accompanied this trial, it was difficult to believe that the verdict that crowned it satisfied both parties.

Later, it became clear that Nerijus Plėdys, a Vilnius lawyer representing the relatives of the deceased, submitted a complaint to the Kaunas District Court on the last business day before the long weekend, which included May 1, the last calendar day to do it. And the recipient, who was in a hurry to find out on the first business day after this weekend that they had spent an additional three days for a little longer, received this complaint soon after their decision.

Aida Statkevičiūtė, who was found guilty of this tragedy, did not appeal against the verdict, and her lawyer Karina Račkauskienė did not respond to the kauno.diena.lt portal. This position is said to be uncoordinated with his defendant, so he doesn’t know if the client would like him to speak to the media about it.

As already written, the Kaunas Indrė Averkienė District Court Judge, who examined A. Statkevičiūtė’s case, sentenced her to a punishment twice less than that requested by the prosecutor and shortened the list of victims by one third, giving the rest more than half less than the requested compensation.

Photo by Laimis Steponavičius.

Failed rescue

At the time of the incident, A. Statkevičiūtė, who was on parental leave after the tragedy, was charged with entering the pedestrian crossing of the Audi Q5 SUV, without ensuring that pedestrians do not pass it and exceeding the speed limit.

This tragedy took place on the afternoon of July 31, 2018 at an unregulated crosswalk at the intersection of A. Juuopavičiaus Avenue and Rus calle Street, located at the entrances to Šančiai Cemetery.

Specialists from the Lithuanian Forensic Science Center have established that 50 km / h is allowed at this location. A.Statkevičiūtė’s speed exceeded 10-20 km / h.

The sixteen-year-old girl, whom she had already hit in the second lane, was shot down about 30 meters.

The tragedy happened to this Russian citizen, who was visiting his relatives who lived in Kaunas with his parents, returning from Nemunas to his grandmother’s house, just behind the scene of the disaster.

The sixteen-year-old died eight hours later in the resuscitation of children at the Kaunas clinics.

The place of disaster

Emotions in court

“The bus in the first lane I was heading toward, approaching the intersection, didn’t stop. So I thought this was empty. However, when I was almost level with the bus, something got stuck in my car. When I got out and I asked the bus driver who was here, he replied that a boy had run towards the crossing, ”said A. Statkevičiūtė in court.

In addition, he stated that 60 km / h. at a speed in the city he doesn’t really drive because he has a little boy.

The bus driver told the court that, according to the schedule, he was in a bit of a hurry then, so he drove only 30-40 km / h. speed. And there were no pedestrians at the intersection he approached. However, about five meters before that, a young man suddenly ran in front of the bus. He didn’t even stop the bus. And soon he saw how said pedestrian was already flying in the air. And only then did he see an SUV pull up nearby in the second lane.

The Penal Code provides for imprisonment of up to eight years for a traffic offense committed by a sober driver that results in the death of another person.

Prosecutor Mindaugas Šukys proposed that A. Statkevičiūtė be sentenced to six years in prison, postponing his execution for a maximum period of three years. N.Plėdys, the lawyer representing the victims, requested that the defendant be sentenced to an actual prison term. His lawyer K. Račkauskienė argued that the punishment requested not only by the victims but also by the prosecutor was too harsh.

Judge’s arguments

Judge I. Averkienė pleaded guilty to A. Statkevičiūtė, claiming that his actions, which exceeded the speed limit and did not reduce it at the crosswalk, whose visibility was blocked by a bus, were the main cause of the accident, although the victim behaved irresponsibly and insecurely.

However, the author of the tragedy was sentenced to a lesser sentence than that requested by the prosecutor: three years in prison, with a two-year moratorium. And by forcing to work and not leaving the place of residence without the permission of the officials. Furthermore, A.Statkevičiūtė was deprived of the right to drive a vehicle for three years. And the SUV in which he fatally wounded a sixteen-year-old was brought to cover a civil lawsuit. She no longer has any official property.

In imposing the sentence on A.Statkevičiūtė, I.Averkienė stated that he had taken it into account that he had not been convicted so far, that he had no valid administrative sanctions, was sober, committed a careless crime and was raising a minor child. The mother of the deceased was sentenced by A.Statkevičiūtė to 25 thousand. moral reward of euros. For the father – 20 thousand. 7 thousand euros for brother and 5 thousand for grandmother and aunt. euros The claims of the other three victims, who are distant relatives, were dismissed.

Aida Statkevičiūtė

Disagree and guilty of the deceased

N.Plėdys, a lawyer representing the victims, appealed against this judgment and requested that the sentence be increased for A.Statkevičiūtė, eliminating the fact that the victim was also negligent, which had an impact on the accident.

The complaint states that A.Statkevičiūtė must be admitted for having committed other violations of the Traffic Rules. One of them is the use of a mobile phone while driving a car. It can be seen from A. Statkevičiūtė’s phone reports that uninterrupted online data was received for seventeen minutes prior to the event. And this, according to the relatives of the deceased, suggests that it may have led to her inattention when approaching the crosswalk.

The complaint emphasizes that after hitting sixteen-year-old A.Statkevičiūtė, he did not take all necessary steps to help him.

Meanwhile, when it was established that the deceased was also guilty of what had happened, the lawsuits against his parents, brother, grandmother and aunt were reduced. The complaint asks that they be increased.

The solution: in autumn

The hearing of the aforementioned complaint, which was taken by the panel of judges of the Kaunas Regional Court, Valdas Vitunskas, Gytis Večerskas and Jūratė Jakubonienė, took about a couple of hours today.

However, only the lawyer representing victims N.Plėdys and K.Račkauskienė defending A.Statkevičiūtė managed to speak. The latter followed the same tactics as in the case of this case in the Kaunas District Court: that her client is also a victim of circumstances, because the victim is guilty of what happened.

Prosecutor M. Šukis did not speak at today’s session. Like A. Statkevičiūtė herself, who also participated in it, although she was not obliged.

The next meeting about the start of the holidays is scheduled for October only.
