He explained whether the extension of the quarantine would change the order of education in schools.


Students from 5th to 12th grade, as well as students from vocational training institutions, higher education students will study, study at a distance or mixed. The choice of method is decided by the school itself or its founder, in the case of general education schools it is usually the municipalities.

We remind you of the basic requirements for educational institutions:

Preschool, preschool education. It is carried out in the usual, contact manner. Children are not required to wear protective gear to cover their nose and mouth during the educational process. Children can only attend the same group in the same room, an educator or preschool teacher can only work in one group on the same day. Joint activities for several groups are not organized. If children use common areas, such as music or gym, the rooms are ventilated and disinfected after each group activity. Children also eat in the group facilities and if they are in the dining room, only one group can eat at a time according to a pre-established schedule.

Primary education. It is carried out in the usual, contact manner. Children are not required to wear nose and mouth protection during lessons. Joint activities for several groups are not organized. If students use common areas, after each class, group activities are ventilated and sanitized.

Only students in the same class (group, traffic) can attend an extended day group.

Distance primary education can only be organized by decision of the director of the municipal administration, on the provision of the National Public Health Center, through the introduction of a regime in the institution that restricts the spread of infections. In this case, the parents receive the benefits established by the Social Security Law for Sickness and Maternity.

Basic secondary education. Students from 5th to 12th grade learn remotely or in a mixed way: the form of learning is decided by the school or the founder of the school, usually the municipality. If it is difficult to organize education remotely, distance education and contact education can be combined.

By combining distance and everyday teaching methods, teaching methods can be changed in different ways: distance learning class, class flow, or a single curriculum, such as secondary education (gym classes III-IV). When changing learning methods, it is necessary to maintain proportionality, for example, 5th, 6th grade students study for two weeks at a distance, another for the same amount of time every day.

When learning at school and not at a distance, contact between different students, both during and after school, should be kept to a minimum. Students have to study in the same class, teachers have to come to class, not students have to go to teachers. Other requirements established by the Operations Manual will also be met.

During quarantine, it is recommended not to engage in active contact activities that cannot be performed with masks (for example, sports, singing, dancing, etc.). And if they are carried out, a distance of at least 2 meters between the participants must be ensured.

Informal education. Non-formal education programs for children can be carried out in the usual way in the following cases:

· In schools where non-formal education is part of the school curriculum or of extended-day groups or full-time school activities;

· If the classes are organized outdoors, ensuring a distance of two meters. In this case, the number of participants is not limited;

· During individual classes of teachers and students, observing other safety requirements at a distance of 2 m;

· When the programs are carried out by a teacher who works with a single group of no more than 5 students and only in one institution, ensuring an area of ​​10 m2 per student.

Non-formal education activities for children, if carried out through contact, should be carried out according to the principle of group isolation: children are constantly involved in the same group, contact between different groups and children with strangers is avoided . If this is not possible, the contact time should be limited to a maximum of 15 minutes.

Educational assistance. Counseling from educational support professionals can be provided both remotely and on a regular basis.

When educational counselors provide direct counseling, the counseling should be provided only to students in the same class (group, stream). After each visit, the room should be ventilated, the contact surfaces disinfected and the media used.

Exceptions are made for students with special educational needs, regardless of age, such as special schools, special classes in general education schools, or initial vocational training combined with social skills programs.

According to preliminary data from schools and municipalities, more than half of the general education schools (58%) have now opted for mixed education, mainly those with primary grades. Only 30% work remotely. schools, most of them four-year gyms, contact only – 12%, most of them elementary and special schools.

According to data provided by schools, around 700 students are currently ill, representing 0.2 percent. out of a total of 450 thousand. preschool, preschool, general education and vocational education students, and about 600 teachers, or about 1.3 percent. of the 45 thousand. educators.
