He explained what privileges the passport of opportunities will provide: it will be an intermediate solution


The Passport of Opportunities will come into effect on Monday, May 24.

The document should be updated weekly.

As Vincas Jurgutis, Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation, said at the meeting, the opportunity passport will allow opening certain activities before the epidemiological situation allows them to be opened without the opportunity passport.

“Final preparations for the implementation of the technical solution are underway,” said the deputy minister.

According to him, a communication plan is currently being implemented – an information campaign on informative passports. V. Jurgutis also presented the activities in which the privileges of the passport of power are valid.

“First of all, we are talking about catering and various indoor services: leisure services, billiards, bowling. We observe that as long as there is quarantine and we have this situation, even with the opportunity passport, there will be certain regulations from the operations manager, how those operations will be ”, said V. Jurgutis.

Other activities that include exemptions with an opportunity passport: accommodation sector, personal celebrations, events, work contacts, organization of long and short-term corrections at home.

He explained what privileges the passport of opportunities will provide: it will be an intermediate solution

© Stopkadras

Opportunity Passport benefits will be available to people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus after COVID-19, who test negative; the latter is valid for 24 hours and children under 16 years of age.

The opportunity passport will be available by going to a special website, entering your credentials, and saving or printing a QR code.

“It is necessary to rule out the possibility that the Government has the opportunity to adjust both after entry into force and after entry into force and to modify certain regulations. This is a machine that can be driven. As the epidemiological situation changes, it is possible to loosen or tighten in all directions, ”said the Vice Minister of Economy and Innovation.

As previously announced, the passport will be available for those vaccinated against coronavirus: 1 week after both doses of Pfizer or Moderna, 4 weeks after Janssen administration, 4 weeks after the first dose of Vaxzevria and after it is administered the second dose of Vaxzevria vaccine. administered according to the vaccination schedule.

To register for the test and use the passport of opportunity, a separate registration flow will be created in the common system 1808.lt.

Service providers will be able to verify the validity of the document on a separate website dedicated to them.

“The code of the opportunity passport must be updated at least every 7 days,” V. Jurgutis also pointed out.

For her part, the head of the Registry Center Diana Vilytė stressed that the technical work was coming to an end.

“We are at the finish line with the realization of the passport of opportunity, last week. We believe that the passport will work for 24 days and that a part of the Lithuanian population will be able to use it. (…) We all understand that this is an intermediate decision against the green certificate and against the consequences of mass vaccination, when we will all be vaccinated and the morbidity results will improve in the same way as in Israel ”, said D. Vilytė.

The opportunity passport will be available to print at the Registry Center offices.

According to the head of the Registry Center, simple technical solutions were sought to make it difficult to obtain the passport. Older people or people who have difficulties using the Internet can get help from family or loved ones.

“Another proposed tool is the Customer Service Centers of the Registration Center, where people can come with an identity document, present it and agree to access the system, and will receive a printed passport of opportunities”, D. Vilytė explained .

The passport data will be taken from the eHealth system.

“Probably this week we would suggest to all Lithuanian residents that they check their patients’ profiles for the data on the COVID-19 situation: if there is a vaccination fact, for those who have relapsed or if there is a relapse. to the tests, as they are valid for 24 hours, we recommend using rapid tests, since their introduction into the system is a little faster ”, said the head of the Registry Center, highlighting that the data in the electronic passport system it will be updated every hour.

At that time, Deputy Minister of Health Živilė Simonaitytė stated that it is still difficult to predict the possible growth of test volumes due to the implementation of the passport of opportunities.

“On the one hand, the test volumes will decrease as the number of vaccinated increases. On the other hand, it will increase due to passport activities,” said Ž. Simonaitytė.

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