He claimed benefits, but incapacity for work destroyed everything: I got sick, it turns out, at the wrong time


November 7 The quarantine announced for the self-employed is, in fact, very worrying. Right now, these people are trying to take every opportunity to somehow survive this period.

The woman who wrote to Delfi was afraid she did not know where to turn.

“I work with a business license. I have been paying taxes for many years. It turned out that I got sick at the wrong time. Due to incapacity for work, the activity was suspended. The Labor Exchange (now the Employment Service – Delfi) only regrets that the law does not provide subsidies because I do not comply with a point. The activity was suspended during the quarantine. “

According to her, it is difficult to understand what left those gaps and why medical records are not appropriate.

“The extracts from the doctors do not explain the reason for the suspension? I sent the doctor’s statements to the Employment Service. He apologized a second time. That’s the law, “said the woman who was fighting.

Confirmed the reason for not paying the benefit

The SADM has explained that when granting the self-employment benefit, it is evaluated if the activity on their own account has been registered for at least 3 months in 12 months, if they have been discharged before the emergency and quarantine date and if the person has won more than MMA.

“At the time of granting the benefit to a self-employed worker, the woman did not meet one of the previous conditions: self-employment was terminated. Therefore, the Employment Service did not grant a lump sum benefit to the woman” .

The Ministry recalled that the self-employed affected by a pandemic can also benefit from the following state aid measures:

• The self-employed may defer contributions to Sodra without interest if their activities are included in the list of victims of the COVID-19 restrictions published by the STI.

• The self-employed are temporarily exempt from payment of the PSD (they must pay contributions for the quarantine period within 2 years). Even without paying PSD, these residents can receive medical care.

He also pointed out that a woman in financial difficulties can apply to the municipality of her place of residence for social assistance in cash: social benefits, compensation for heating and water costs.

“To determine the right to this support, the property that is owned will not be temporarily evaluated. Those whose average monthly income per person does not exceed 140.8 euros are entitled to social benefits.

Municipalities also have the option of providing additional social support (specific, targeted, periodic, conditional benefits or other social support) if the situation requires it. “

He claimed benefits, but incapacity for work destroyed everything: I got sick, it turns out, at the wrong time

The situation is very difficult

Jean Mongirdas, President of the Lithuanian Association of Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, commented that now is a very difficult time for small entrepreneurs in general.

“We know very well that small entrepreneurs do not have some kind of reserve that allows them to survive so long without work. More so because there will still be some fees. Premises for rent, for those who have their own premises, 1 percent. property tax on the property value. Wages must also be paid to employees. The first thing is the question of where to do everything. “

The second thing, he said, for those who manage to survive this long period of crisis that is not the first, revenue is likely to drop dramatically as the circle of clients shrinks.

“The government is now talking about some possible tax increases, it will probably be the last nail in the coffin for those who survive. Of course, for those who don’t survive, they can also raise 100 percent. taxes. I think most small businesses will just fail, and those that don’t will try to get up and not get up. “

According to him, such a situation will benefit big businessmen and it can be seen that they not only survived, but also generate higher profits.

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