He built a house for himself, but a great concern did not go unnoticed: the idea of ​​the Lithuanian house was a success


We met Tom on the afternoon of a business day in Molėtai. As soon as you get closer, the sight before your eyes surprises you: the large skeletons of the house and, of course, not one, but the so-called plywood.

Although Tom’s father, Darius Petrauskas, greets us at first, the author of the building himself will be coming soon.

Only confident Tom, without much introduction, already explains that before our eyes there is a segment of an ecological modular house, which he recently started to build. According to him, that house will be exceptional, and he has not yet seen anyone produce it.

When you go to the warehouse, you can see how the house is assembled.

“It’s like the LEGO details,” Tom shows the individual details of the plywood and tells how they fit together.

Tom explains that this is his first house of this size, he and his father have previously built smaller cabins that served more as rest areas. They have also donated one of these to the city of Molėtai.

Pointing to the huge building outside, he also explains that he started building this house himself, but today the building is being prepared to be taken to England.

“It is bought by a company. It is possible to live here, it can also be a vacation spot. It is also available for 1,000 square meters to do as many as you want. This is one of our projects,” he says enthusiastically, saying that if everything goes Well, a big English company is ready to buy Tom’s idea, and he will build this model house under his name and become the production manager.

“I will resell my rights. Of course, it would be more interesting to work” on your own “, but if the money is appropriate, it is another matter. You will not execute such a large project yourself,” says Tom.

When asked how the idea came to him, the boy explains that his company also works with the production of non-standard furniture, and that he learned the trade from his best teacher: his father.

“Dad made non-standard furniture in Vilnius and had his own business. Perhaps from the age of 13 I started making them with him, and then we moved from Vilnius to Molėtai. We have been here for three years now.

If I pay 800 euros a month for renting these premises in Molėtai, I would pay around 4 thousand in Vilnius. Automatically, it would not have such premises and could not even think or think of ecological houses. In Vilnius you will not get investments, you will not expand, and if you want to work well you have to move to a smaller city.

It turned out that everything started to work better for me than for my dad, so I started a new company, ”he explains, saying that today Dad helps him and Tom still has 2 other employees.

The boy not only learned to work with wood from his father, but also acquired the profession of a carpenter.

“At first I studied civil engineering, but I didn’t finish it,” he admits, but his father, Darius, who joined the conversation, adds that life has learned everything.

Tom first saw the idea of ​​online modular homes, which changed his mind to make them even better.



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“I minimally changed the design, rounded the corners. Exactly the same is not found anywhere. Rounded corners maintain stability, stronger are its structural elements. For some they are elements of beauty, for others it is stability ”, he explains when he approaches the outer frame.

It is true that the cabins, not only made of plywood, are ecological, he says.

“I have all the certificates. There are no chemical products.

Still, it’s a shame that you’ve arrived now. If I had visited later, there would be windows and everything else, “says Tomás.

The house, one of the segments that we see, will be 40 square meters. m., but, as assured, the area of ​​the house can be even 1 thousand. square meters – It all depends on how many segments it consists of.

“It will cost as much as building a brick building. Well the Lithuanian will probably take a look and tell me if he builds bricks or plywood, he will choose the masonry, but when it comes to foreign buyers they understand the importance of ecology.

I think Lithuanians will accept those houses on time, but it still takes time, ”he says, saying that the house will be isolated from moisture, treated, so it can withstand rain and wind.

The guy admits that such a building costs around a thousand. Eur for 1 square kilometer. Therefore, the price of this house will reach 40 thousand. EUR.

“Everything is included in that price here: both the windows and the complete finish,” he explains, adding that in the future we will also see those houses in Lithuania, and until the project begins, the company will survive until its initial activity: furniture not standard. production.

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