He announced which diseases kill Lithuanians most often


2019 38,281 people died in the country, 1,293 less than in 2018. Of all the people who died last year, 22.9 percent. Almost half (46.6%) died between 65 and 84 years, and a third (30.5%) at 85 years. and older.

81.9 percent. All causes of death last year were health disorders that have been the leading causes of death for many years: diseases of the circulatory system, malignancies, and external causes of death.

More than half died of diseases of the circulatory system, i. and. 54.6 percent. of malignant neoplasms – 21 percent, and due to external causes of death – 6.3 percent.

2019 18.5 thousand died. men and 19.8 thousand. woman. Compared to 2018, the number of dead men decreased by 531 and the number of women by 762. 1293 fewer people died than in 2018. 22.9 percent. all deaths last year were of working age (16–64 years) (33.5% male and 12.3% female).

Causes of male death.

The most common causes of death in men are diseases of the circulatory system (47.0%), malignant tumors (24.0%) and external causes of death (9.5%).

Diseases of the circulatory system were dominated by ischemic heart disease (63.8% of all male deaths from diseases of the circulatory system) and cerebrovascular disease (20.6%). Nearly a fifth of the men who died of ischemic heart disease (19.9 percent) died before the age of 65.

The most common cause of death among 4,430 men who died of malignant neoplasms were malignant neoplasms of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs (22.6% of all male deaths from malignant neoplasms). The youngest men to die from these diseases were between 30 and 34 years old. age and 31.9 percent. men who died of these tumors, up to age 65. 3.6 times more men than women died from neoplasms of the trachea, bronchi and lungs. Prostate glands (accounting for 11.6% of male deaths from malignancies) and gastric malignancies (7.4%) were also common causes of male death.

55.5 percent. Of the 1,758 men who died from external causes of death, died as a result of accidents (accidents, falls, drowning, freezing, accidental poisoning), 30.7%. – 71.6 percent committed suicide. men who died as a result of accidents and 75.1 percent. Suicidal men died at the age of 65. years. External causes of death are 2.8 times more common among men than women.

Women were more likely to die of circulatory diseases.

The most common causes of death in women were diseases of the circulatory system (61.7%), malignancies (18.3%), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (4.6%) and external causes of death (3.2%).

Circulatory system diseases were predominantly ischemic heart disease (62.9% of all deaths of women from circulatory system disease), cerebrovascular disease (25.6%), and hypertensive disease (5.4%). 4.6 percent The age of women who died from diseases of the circulatory system was less than 65 years.

The most common cause of death among 3,612 women who died of malignant neoplasms was breast neoplasia (15.3% of all deaths of women from malignant neoplasms). 36 percent. All the women who died from this tumor were women younger than 65 years. years. Pancreatic and colon neoplasms represented 8% each. Malignant neoplasms of women, neoplasms of the trachea, bronchi and lungs – 7.7%, and ovarian neoplasms – 6.1%.

The third leading cause of death for women in 2019. – Diseases of the digestive system. Of the 910 women who died of gastrointestinal disease last year, the most common cause of death was chronic liver disease.

Of the 637 women who died from external causes of death, the majority (65.0%) died as a result of accidents (414 women), and a fifth – suicide (18.9%, 140 women). 30.4 percent. accident deaths and 57.1 percent. The age of suicidal women is up to 65 years.

Causes of death of the working-age population

Last year, 8.6 thousand died. working-age population (16–64 years), of whom 71.8% were male, 28.2 percent. – woman.

Most men of working age died of ischemic heart disease (17.8%), gastrointestinal malignancies (7.6%), and suicide (6.5%).

Women of working age died more frequently from malignant gastrointestinal tumors (10.6%), ischemic heart disease (10.1%), and female genital neoplasms (8.7%).

Infant and child mortality and its causes of death.

In the past five years, 1-17 years have been observed. decrease in the number of children who died at the age of 2014 (decreased by 43% since 2014). 2019 77 children died (46 boys and 31 a girl). Most children of this age died from external causes (49.4%), malignant tumors (11.7%) and diseases of the nervous system (11.7%).

38 boys died from external causes of death: 28 boys and 10 girls (12 boys drowned, 9 – died in traffic accidents, 9 – committed suicide, 8 – died from other external causes of death), which represents 11.6% . less compared to 2018.

2019 90 babies died (children under 1 year old), 6 babies less than in 2018. The main causes of infant death are perinatal diseases (43.3%) and congenital malformations (36.7%).
