He advised what is the best way to store bread in summer: it is important not to make a single mistake


Tadas Aleknavičius, Gardės Head of Bread Product Development and Eimantė Ruzgytė, SFVS Food Department Chief Specialist, advise on how many bread products are really valid, how to protect them from mold even on the hottest day and what to choose at this time of year.

The extreme heat of summer has led to a number of challenges for food storage: how to keep bread fresh and prevent unpleasant sensations or even illness? T. Aleknavičius says that the most important goal is to avoid the “greenhouse effect”.

“When storing bread, we must first avoid direct sunlight. Even if we pack the bread well, but leave it in the closet, where it receives direct sunlight, the temperature inside the package heats up, the humidity begins to condense, we can notice the droplets that form inside.

These are the perfect conditions for mold and microbes to multiply. Therefore, it is recommended to store the bread in a dark, dry and cool place. It is also necessary to seal the bread package so that mold spores from the environment do not enter the package and do not contaminate the product ”, says the bread specialist.

Eimantė Ruzgytė, chief specialist of the Food Division of the State Food and Veterinary Service, also says that the main cause of mold is improper storage conditions.

“The room where the bread is stored must be frequently and well ventilated and efforts must be made to maintain the room temperature. It is advisable to store the bread in the bakery, wash it regularly and then dry it well, because only then can the bread remain fresh and tasty even after its expiration date. Sometimes residents keep the bread in the fridge. Although it helps to prevent spoilage, it accelerates the aging process: bread begins to harden, crumble or simply loses its taste properties ”, says E.Ruzgytė.

But what if we spend a lot of time in nature, on farms or by the sea, where we do not have the right conditions to store bread products? According to T. Aleknavičius, it is important to have a closed basket or box, a basket, where the bread is not exposed to direct sunlight. However, it is also important to consume it on time.

“If the population consumes bread in nature, on the seashore, we recommend purchasing as little of this product as possible, so that it is consumed at once (especially in nature) or as soon as possible”, adds the SFVS specialist .

How to know how long a bread product is really good for?

T. Aleknavičius states that today there is still a lack of information on how the labeling of bread “best before …” actually differs from labeling “fit for consumption until”, which is why bread often ends up in the trash .

The “best before …” label on the bread package indicates the date on which we, as manufacturers, ensure the best quality of the bread, provided it is of the desired softness, freshness and texture and remains intact where appropriate. stored. This does not mean that it cannot be used after that date. However, if we keep the bread correctly, it does not mold and its taste properties are satisfactory, then even after this period it is perfect for consumption ”, says the head of bread product development.

E.Ruzgytė adds that differences in labeling are determined by different products and differences in their suitability for use.

“Foods that are perishable from a microbiological point of view and therefore may suddenly present a danger to human health in the short term, shall bear the date of minimum durability as follows:” consumption before … “After this date, the product is considered unsafe and unfit for consumption. In the case of bread, the” eat before … “label has a slightly different specificity, including foods that can be stored for more than 3 months, a year or even more. The essence of the minimum shelf life is that the manufacturer ensures that the product, when properly stored on the specified date, retains its specific properties and is not harmful to human health. consumer has products at home that have expired, but they do not see or feel any sign of failure, the product can be used ”, says the SFVS specialist.

But how much bread is really valid? On the store shelves we can find products that are valid for 4-5 days, and others, for weeks.

“The validity of bread depends on many different factors: composition, production and packaging processes, bakery capacities. In our bakery, we have recently extended the validity of many bakery products from 5 to 7 days. We improve sanitary processes in the bakery We conducted various investigations and tests. After long tests, we were able to make the bread retain the same properties after 7 days, and we were able to do so without artificial preservatives or other additional additives. This means that the consumer will be able to enjoy the bread product for more time and less bread is likely to end up undeservedly in the bin, ”says T. Aleknavičius.

What bread to choose?

Although a hot summer is a challenge for all bakery products, some types of bread are more resistant to spoilage and others spoil extremely quickly.

“Rye bread is more resistant to mold. Such bread is made with yeast, the fermentation process is very important to it, which increases the acid content. It is this acid that acts as a natural preservative that protects bread from mold. Wheat products are not always made with yeast, they have less acid, so they often have a shorter shelf life and go moldy faster, ”says T. Aleknavičius.

The expert also advises paying attention to products with an enriched composition, such as broccoli. Its ingredients, fat, eggs, help to maintain the softness, freshness and moisture of the product for longer.

How to know when not to eat bread?

The specialist advises that the main criteria are appearance and smell, so be sure to properly inspect the bread before consuming it.

“It is important to pay attention not only to clearly visible mold: white areas with green or yellowish fuzz. Sometimes there are small white dots visible in the dough, barely a millimeter in size. If you notice them, you should not eat bread. If not all the slices appear to be moldy, it is not recommended to cut the mold. It is likely that all the bread is infected with mold, it is just not visually visible yet. It is possible to poison yourself this way, “says T. Aleknavičius.

The specialist adds that it is no less important to pay attention to the inappropriate and unpleasant smell. However, if this is not the case, the bread can be safely consumed.

T. Aleknavičius cautions that bread that has lasted the longest can always be revived by roasting or even broiling it, thus resurrecting this product for a second life.
