Hazards in the workplace: none are vulnerable, especially in all three sectors.


The representatives of the financial and insurance sectors (92% of the respondents representing this sector), information and communication (92%) and public administration (89%) mentioned the dangers of a long and uninterrupted session for the health of the employees.

“Compared to previous surveys, the determinants of musculoskeletal disorders have increased in recent years. This list includes not only a long-term, uninterrupted session, but also inadequate load management, repetitive hand or wrist movements, which can occur not only when working on protractors, but also during prolonged work with a computer, which generally leads to musculoskeletal disorders. ” Nerita Šot, Specialist in the Occupational Safety and Health Division of the Labor Inspectorate (VDI).

Digitization is an integral part of the job.

The study showed that up to 85 percent. Employees of surveyed companies use personal computers, 77 percent. – Laptops, phones, tablets or other smart devices, employees of other companies are exposed to other digital devices in their workplace. Only 6 percent. Respondents stated that they did not use any of the digital devices.

Businesses are moving to the Internet during quarantine.

Businesses are moving to the Internet during quarantine.

These statistics show that digital technologies are already part of the work of many companies, but the impact of digital technologies on the health of workers is isolated and considered by less than a third of the companies that use them.

“As the latest technologies penetrate all work areas, it is important to clearly assess the risks they pose. One of these challenges may be the growing need to regularly improve and update employee skills, so it is important to implement special processes as soon as possible and closely monitor the work environment, understand the needs of employees and clearly communicate any technological change, “says the VDI specialist.

The number of people suffering from psychological problems is increasing.

The study focuses not only on physical but also emotional and psychological risk factors for employee health. Such external factors can become such at work: difficult clients, patients or students, harassment, intimidation; both internal: stress, high workload, poor internal communication and process management or insufficient participation of employees in decisions.

“Without proper preparation, it can be extremely difficult to deal with psychosocial risks. This is also shown in the responses of the companies surveyed in the study, with the majority of respondents indicating that stress, bullying and harassment are more difficult. handling physical risks at work. The main reasons for this are not only the reluctance of employees to speak openly about such problems, but also the lack of awareness and help of specialists, “says N. Šot.

The specialist points out that some companies are already implementing various measures to manage psychosocial risks, but ensures that awareness of them is still quite low. Only 59 percent. The number of companies surveyed across the EU indicated that they had sufficient information to manage these risks, while in Lithuania this number is only 38%.

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