Have car jams become inevitable in Kaunas?


Millions of orders

The public institution Klaipėda Municipality, which has an ambitious name of “National Center for Social Integration”, won the announced tender by offering a lower price than the public institution Ori senatvė, which provided home help services in the port city until September.

In his last contract with the municipality, Ori Senatvė provided services at a rate of 6.96 euros per hour, excluding VAT.

The National Center for Social Integration will provide home help services at a cost of € 6.5 (excluding VAT).

This public institution offered the municipality of Kaunas to provide services at a rate of 7.5 euros (excluding VAT) per hour.

Success began to accompany this new market player in 2018, only by joining forces with the other two agencies. Then this public institution won the tender announced by the municipality of Kaunas.

Currently, the rekvizitai.lt portal announces that the largest client of the services of the National Center for Social Integration is the Municipality of Kaunas, which buys for a total of 1.9 million. services worth euros.

In second place is the municipality of Klaip ,da, which has purchased services worth almost one and a half million euros.

This public institution has just won the competition announced by the municipality of Marijampolė, but it has not even started working here, although it signed the contract on September 24.

Bread – for a fee of 15 euros

And on September 21. this institution signed an agreement with the municipality of Klaip municipioda. It is indicated that 150-170 residents of Klaipeda will need these services.

The former contractor stopped providing services on September 18.

Retired Life told the portal that she had been left to chance for exactly two weeks between now and October 2.

“I am 74 years old, I lost my leg after the accident. I’m not complaining, I try to take care of myself. But the feeling is that it still seems to amuse me. It is clear that I feel bad. I visited another institution before. He sent a woman who came to take care of me when I was in a rehab hospital after the operation, “said Vida from Klaipeda.

The woman, speaking of two weeks of experience, began to cry. A lonely grandmother has no loved ones. So the retiree had to scrape the last money to give food to strangers to go to the store. Klaipėda residents receive a pension of 300 euros.

“I hired a man to go to the store. He asked me for 15 euros. I needed twice for that service. It cost me all 30 euros. If you already have to pay so much for the delivery, the retiree will not have anything to eat. And what should I do?” “I have to eat myself, but I can no longer make the soup, I am afraid of burning myself, because I have a person sitting in a chair by the fire,” the woman assured me.

The Klaipėda woman said that an employee who had visited her earlier took over the soup and bought it at a nearby cafe.

Visited after the call

Previously, a disabled retiree received a social worker almost daily.

And what can I do?

“It was ten hours, and the new public institution said it would be four hours a week, two hours on Tuesday, two on Thursday. After Thursday, I will have to take care of the products available until Tuesday next week. I don’t know what it will be like. “.

The woman related what services the staff of the winning institution should provide her. In fact, a retiree can ask not only to clean the dust, but also to help him with the laundry, he can confidently look forward to helping him with the laundry and tidying the house.

“I laugh at what he will do there if he comes in twice a week and wakes up for only an hour and a half. If he hadn’t called the reporters, he probably wouldn’t have hired social workers anymore.” Although we should get basic help, “the woman said. .

To the competition, without employees

This Klaipeda resident is not the only one who told the portal about her difficult life last week. There have been several calls about similar experiences.

Last week, Audronė Liesytė, head of the Department of Social Support of the Klaipėda city municipality, said about the complaints of Klaipėda residents who were at a disadvantage, he said a surprising response.

“And what can I do?” – This is how the official reacted to the statements of the elderly who complained to the portal.

When asked by A. Liesytė on Monday what sanctions the municipality undertakes to take for services not performed by the contractor, he assured that there is nothing to worry about, because such services are paid from the budget only when they are performed.

“Nobody will pay if there are no services”, assured A. Liesytė.

Retirees themselves consider such services a disgrace!

However, the head of the Department of Social Support explained that in case of a change of social service provider, the interruption should be temporary.

When asked how this contractor’s willingness to perform the contract was assessed, A. Liesytė was upset.

“If it is already about public procurement, ask questions in writing. I do not evaluate the public procurement documents, but the Department of Public Procurement,” A. Liesytė was angry.

A. Liesytė / Editorial file photo.

The question was asked about the 38 specialists with special education mentioned in the documents of the National Center for Social Integration. The documents state that they are employed under a certificate of individual activity and have specific knowledge in the care and care of people with needs.

However, it turns out that all these people work in Kaunas, and in Klaipeda they have been looking for such specialists for about a week. At least this is evidenced by the employee search ads found online.

Assets are not loaded

The public institution “National Center for Social Integration” was established in 2009. Its shareholders became two young friends of Zarasai: Neringa Jurčiukonytė and Arūnas Survila.

N.Jurčiukonytė has been the director of this institution for some time, but in recent years this woman’s name can be found in the organization of various competitions and trainings.

N. Jurčiukonytė, as manager of the Media4Change project, yesterday presented a public database in the capital, focused on the transparency of public sector finances and the prevention of corruption.

“It is a tool that will allow everyone to examine how politicians relate to companies and other organizations, how public sector institutions have spent public finances and who has received these funds,” reads the presentation of this transparency initiative .

While the founder of the public institution is developing information retrieval tools, Monika Stankevičiūtė-Juknienė, director of the National Center for Social Integration, explained that the shareholders of the public institution do not accumulate wealth from the public acquisitions won.

“Yes, there are stakeholders, but we are a public institution. We invest the profits in other products that we create. We do not share money. It is not a business. We are a non-governmental organization, it is a social business. We will strive to create content that improves the Klaipeda’s quality of life for the elderly ”, explained the director of the institution.

The woman alluded to the development of a mobile application for social service workers, mentioned the problems of online literacy of the elderly.

“I receive a salary of 200 euros because I work only two hours a week. The situation in Klaipeda is supervised by another colleague, but I will come to the port city to explain the situation. The first weeks are not easy. We are looking for employees and we hope to manage the situation. situation. “We stopped the service on September 18, we signed the contract on September 21 and we began to provide the service from that moment. Although we could not sign the contract for a week,” explained the head of the institution.

M. Stankevičiūtė-Juknienė assured that as of yesterday, 4-5 people in the port city had still not received the aforementioned services.

“In two weeks, we have started serving about 140 people. They are really taking care of them, ”the institution’s head calmed their passions.

M. Stankevičiūtė-Juknienė admitted that the institution participated in the public tender without having actual employees to provide the service.

“You can’t hire people if you don’t have something to offer them. Although we are not new. We have been operating in Klaipeda before, providing social taxi services,” said the woman.

Hired 28 people

Rugilė Bitautaitė, representing the institution in the Klaipėda region, explained that there is nothing like this on September 21. the public body could not fulfill its functions because the former contractors were to blame for the situation.

“The 38 people mentioned in the procurement documents did not even have to work in Klaipeda. These are only mandatory statements that prove the qualifications of the organization. These are not actual employees who should provide the service. Because you provide the list without even knowing if he won the tender, “explained R. Bitautaitė.

The woman assured that she only received the names and phone numbers of the former contractor’s people. The providers of this service did not have personal files. For two weeks, representatives of the institution called the elderly and the disabled to explain what they needed.

“First of all, we find out how many people and who do not walk, who needs to change diapers or provide other help,” said R. Bitautaitė.

The representative of the public institution assured that 28 employees have been hired in Klaipeda so far and they are still missing. Therefore, it is not surprising that efforts are being made to reduce service hours.

Do you want too much?

When asked why, due to the change of service provider, the number of hours allocated to some pensioners, during which they can wait for help, has decreased, it is unlikely that single Klaipeda residents will love the answer given by R. Bitautaitė .

“This is another issue that has presented us with many challenges and difficulties. The previous contractor provided ten hours a week of service. People also expect that from us. Home help in practice shouldn’t be. Because home help It is the first step in a social service system. This means the most basic services: communication, buying food, tidying up the house, accompanying the doctors, “said R. Bitautaitė.

The woman made it clear that hard-working seniors shouldn’t expect the same amount of services from a new contractor.

“It turns out that the grandmother lives with her daughter, buys the food after returning from work, prepares it, but the employee still visits her for two hours a day. It is a waste of budget money. People were used to it. This service is necessary. to keep an independent person as long as possible. “We faced difficulties in approaching this service. We had to choose which people only demand it and who really need it “, assured R. Bitautaitė.

Not only the municipality, but also the pensioner himself pays for these services. That is about 60 euros a month.

“It can be a kind of abuse in the organization. The person himself will pay the same, no matter how many hours a social worker enters. We need to determine how many of those services are really needed,” said the public body.

A. Liesytė, Head of the Department of Social Support of Klaipėda Municipality, explained that older people, seeing the need, can demand more hours.

“If necessary, it must be said with courage and the service must be rendered. No one prohibits adjusting the number of hours,” assured A. Liesytė.

The representative of the successful bidder replied otherwise.

“From a human point of view, maybe yes, it would be possible to increase the number of hours. But generally their number is determined before signing a contract with the client. The schedule is agreed and presented to the senior,” said R. Bitautaitė.
