Harmony: NVSC is a weak link


“It just came to our knowledge then. There are so many that, according to experts, if the temperature rises, it is 50 percent. Most likely it has coronavirus. The virus is so frequent in the country that we do not know it, we do not track the contacts. When there were 100, you could trace the contacts and there was no need to shut down every company and the whole state. Now the situation is completely out of control. I think NVSC’s activities are the biggest weak link, “said A. Armonaitė to Knowledge Radio.

“We have also seen unrecognized deaths at the NVSC. We have been listening to Ms. Lingienė’s comments for a while and so on. But there is also a head of the entire NVSC, I don’t know if anyone knows. I would like him to answer. why such a situation exists. I agree that there were objective circumstances because the institution was too weak. “There were too few people working and there was no funding, because it was not expected that such a large pandemic would have to be handled here, but still , the coronavirus doesn’t circulate during the first month, “he said.

ELTA recalls that 804 unaccounted deaths were found during the digitization of the NVCS data. Approximately 324 deaths from COVID-19 and 480 deaths from other causes were found, but the deaths were due to the coronavirus.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys said Wednesday he was not convinced by NVSC Director Robertas Petraitis’ explanations of the 804 unaccounted for deaths found.

“Throughout the crisis, inaccuracies were repeated due to various statistical issues. Particularly related to the activities of the National Center for Public Health. As a minister, I am not satisfied with this. Therefore, I met with the director of the institution and I discussed several practical operational issues. I was not convinced by the responses at the meeting, so I asked the director of the institution to provide me with a detailed assessment of the situation regarding the 804 unaccounted deaths identified in writing. circumstances and reasons for the situation, “A. Dulkys told reporters after the government meeting.

At the time, NVSC Eltai said Tuesday that the discrepancies in death statistics were not due to NVSC’s fault.

Rapid mitigation is not expected

Aušrinė Armonaitė says that business will be in a serious state in the New Year.

“For someone in business, this situation is an opportunity, especially when it comes to digital solutions, remote opportunities, but for everyone else it is a challenge. First of all, I mean catering establishments, which are not in operation. Even since December, and the first restrictions have been in place since October, traders are facing challenges. Moods are calm, “A. Armonaitė told Knowledge Radio.

Speaking about predictions of when quarantine restrictions could be released, he probably emphasized that this will be possible with the acceleration of human vaccination.

“We have introduced quarantine restrictions for a sufficient time, until January 31, without rejecting any of the scenarios. It is possible that those restrictions will be extended. If the situation improves markedly, they will be free. At this point, I have no presumption of why should I say that the release will be very fast. In fact, we have almost 4 thousand cases every day, 80 deaths and the selection of contacts still uncontrolled, “said the Minister.

“When the vaccine is accelerated, it will probably be possible to release it (restrictions – ELTA),” added A. Armonaitė.

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