Grigeo Klaipeda cannot use treatment plants in Dumpiai Business


Grigeo Klaipėda applied to the Environmental Protection Agency for a change in the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Permit (IPPC).

However, the answer is strict: any discharge of wastewater and leachate into the natural environment is prohibited; use equipment in Dumpiai; direct the wastewater to the Klaipedos Vanduo treatment plants; It is forbidden to burn the production residues formed during the fine cleaning of the waste paper pulp in the company’s bio-boiler.

This decision, against which the company can still appeal, prevents the use of the facilities in Dumpiai.

Since January, when the Klaipėda Regional Prosecutor’s Office announced the launch of a large-scale pollution investigation, when only mechanically treated wastewater was released into the environment, Grigeo Klaipėda directs the wastewater to the Klaipėda Vanduo treatment plant.

However, temporary agreements are still being concluded: Klaipėdos Vanduo cannot accept Grigeo Klaipėda’s wastewater in its entirety. The company’s operations were suspended several times when the contractual indicators for wastewater contamination were exceeded.

To sign a long-term contract, Grigeo Klaipeda must implement several conditions.

The comment from the CEO of Graso Klaipėda, Tomas Eikinas, has not yet been received. We will add text as soon as we receive it.
