Green Genius invests 100 million in Poland EUR


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The renewable energy company Green Genius, part of the international Modus group, is expanding its solar energy capacity in Poland. In the near future, Green Genius intends to install 154 MW of new solar power capacity.

In the auctions held in November and December last year, Green Genius became one of the developers that won the most projects, a total of 79 MW. Under the recently signed contracts, Green Genius will install two 8 MW and 63 megawatt solar power plants in different regions of Poland. Investments in these projects will amount to 57 million. EUR. In addition, Green Genius will install 32 MW solar plants under market conditions this year, which will supply power to various companies.

The company is currently completing the construction of 43 MW of solar power plant capacity won in the 2019 auctions across the country. The total investment in all planned and already executed projects will exceed 100 million. EUR.

“Poland continues to be seen as one of the most attractive solar energy markets, with the rapid and targeted development of renewable energy infrastructure, and a favorable investment and regulatory environment has been created.” Every year, we build larger and larger solar energy parks in Poland, thus contributing to the growth of green energy in the country and stopping climate change. Due to the recently won projects, we also plan to further expand our team, ”said Simonas Šileikis, Head of Solar Energy Business at Green Genius, quoted in the press release.

“We plan to implement not only the projects won in the auctions, but also offer an innovation in the market, develop solar parks under market conditions and sell electricity to companies or to the energy exchange. Many large companies operating in Poland are already interested in the possibility of buying green energy in these parks. We intend to pay more and more attention to this area, “says Ruslan Sklepovičius, CEO of Green Genius.

To date, the company has installed 86 MW of solar power plants in the country. In 2019 and 2020, the company sold these power plants to Aberdeen Standard Investments, one of the world’s largest asset management companies, in two portfolios. Until 2022 After the completion of all planned projects, the capacity of Green Power plants installed at Green Genius in Poland will reach almost a quarter of a gigawatt (242 MW). These power plants will represent approximately 4.5% of the total solar capacity currently installed in Poland.

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