Gražulis, who received uncomfortable accusations from Skirmantas Malinauskas, could not bear it: he left the television studio: I was and am a martyr.


Today, Petras Gražulis, a longtime member of the Seimas who is especially talked about, is often compared to an ordinary Lithuanian person. In the statement of the politician – a little more than 65 thousand euros of reportable assets. It would appear that there are members of the Seimas much wealthier than Petras Gražulis, but freelance journalist Skirmantas Malinauskas claims that this amount can only be a drop in the bucket when calculating parliamentary assets, according to a press release.

“Take me to court if I’m telling the truth, but yourself, Peter, when you were still working as a journalist and talking in a cafe, you said that the Judex frozen company is yours,” Thursday night at 8pm on the show by LNK “Kissing”. Rūta ”is a fairy tale journalist. “If it turns out that the meatball company is Peter, does that mean the MP is a millionaire?” – asked the host of the program Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė to the journalist. This did not hesitate to answer that this property is really worth millions.

Precisely because of the relations with the Judex company, the prosecution requests that Petras Gražulis’ immunity be waived.
According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the data from the pre-trial investigation started in September last year and ended last September suggest that P. Gražulis from May 2015 to February 2017 could have sought and received financial benefits from a private company that acted in interest of this company and unauthorized interference with other public officials. Activities in Lithuania and Russia, in addition to offering to give money to Russian officials, asking them to act illegally in the interests of the specified company.

“Politicians are prohibited from doing business and receiving income from businesses, therefore when they become members of the Seimas, many of them transfer their companies to someone else. But it is still strange that the Seimas businesses often prosper during the period, ”says Skirmantas Malinauskas. Not hated by such insights of the journalist, Petras Gražulis accused the media, hostile parties and opponents of all misfortunes: “I was a martyr and I am a martyr, I did not steal anything.”

Another participant in the show, the former Economy Minister, Labor Party leader Viktor Uspaskich, surprised everyone by leading the party to the Seimas during these elections, but did not run for office. The politician surprised the guests of the show by arriving at the studio with a bottle in hand. When asked what he had in the bottle, Victor began to tell him about a secret experiment: “My team and I scanned the coronavirus code and changed the structure of the water accordingly. We have developed a program and now a group of members of the Seimas and I are drinking this water. We need to drink 21 days after a bottle of water and we will get immunity against the coronavirus. “

When asked who that group of Seimas members was, Viktor Uspaskich remained mysterious and promised to reveal them when he finished on the 21st day of the experiment. “After drinking the entire course, we will test our blood and see if there are antibodies. I am guaranteed the success of the experiment. When I have the results, I will tell everything in public ”, promised the politician.

The journalist Skirmantas Malinauskas was very critical of the politician’s experiment: “We see a complete change from Viktor Uspaskich, he talks about immunity, healthy lifestyle, meditations and things like that. I think this is a special role because I notice: no longer we are talking about the black accounting of the Labor Party. It is much more useful for him to talk about magic water than about black accounting. This is a very thoughtful communication plan. And not for nothing this politician does not go to the Seimas, because it would be useless for them journalists will examine his business, income and accounting ”, this Thursday night, at 8 pm, in the LNK program“ Kisses. Rūta ”will be a freelance journalist.

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