Graduates have decided which exams they will not take: 4 disciplines on the most popular list


Graduates who were tortured by uncertainty and began to wave, thinking about the gravity of the situation, began to fear not only the exams themselves, the quality of their passing, but also the risk of exposure to the coronavirus and the health of your loved ones. Ultimately, experts concluded that graduates may give up some of the tests they chose last fall.

(Not) required: exams in German, French, chemistry and physics

Graduates of previous exams were able to refuse in May. However, although they had that opportunity, few took advantage of it. 5.6 percent abandoned. All exams selected, said representatives of the National Education Agency (NSA).

The highest percentage of those who dropped the exams in the fall of 2019 was among the students who chose to take the state maturity exams in foreign languages: German and French, chemistry and physics.

NŠA l.e.p. Deputy Principal Asta Ranonytė stated that she did not associate this denial with the popularity of the exam, distance education or quarantine.

“Students have self-assessed (in more than half a year from the choice of exams to the opportunity to drop the selected exams) how many and which exams they need. Every year, we see that fewer students go to exams than registered, ”he said.

Teresė Janulevičienė, Deputy Director of Education at Vytautas Magnus University (Vytautas Magnus University), Rasa Gymnasium, tends to believe that the reasons for refusing the exams were due to several reasons: this school year, the choice of maturity exams was significantly earlier than in previous years. And during the quarantine period, the introduction of distance learning is a major challenge for the entire educational community, and especially for graduates.

Choose the easiest path

Like every year, the trio of the most popular State Maturity Elective Tests (VBE) doesn’t change – it’s foreign language (English), math, and history. 18653, 15965 and 8462 students intend to take these exams, respectively.

Wondering how math became one of the most popular electives in VBE, Gintaras Sarafinas, the editor-in-chief of “Rankai” magazine, explained this fact in a simple way: math is necessary when entering public institutions in higher education. To get to Funded Places (VF), you must conserve.

“I didn’t take the math test, I didn’t have enough space, but the number of people taking math increased. Others are not compulsory, so the number of electives in physics, chemistry, and computer science decreases each year,” he pointed.

Last year, 24,000 took the exams. Graduates Of these, only 3,000 took the state maturity exam in physics, 3,000 also took the information technology exam, and only 1,600 graduates took the chemistry exam. The number of science subjects has declined steadily in the past four years.

“School leaders and teachers themselves admit that this is because young people choose the easier path. Tests in physics, computer science, and chemistry are difficult: to achieve something (at least more than 30 points out of 100 ) you need to be close in black, ”said Sarafin.

At the end of tenth grade, students have an opportunity to choose what to study in grades eleven and twelve, what to do at the basic level, and what not to study at all. “Most of them are giving up difficult disciplines. It says thank you, enough. I choose the easiest way, I won’t need either physics or chemistry. But later, when twelfth grade is coming to an end, they realize they must Do it, but it’s too late. Many doors are closed to themselves, including life science studies. “I haven’t heard of anyone training doctors without chemistry,” Sarafin said.

According to him, the state not only does not try to suggest, direct or advise young people about something, but it does the opposite: this year the number of places with VF has increased for those who enter the social sciences.

“We will have many managers, representatives of the social sciences. In the last decades, their already unrealistic surplus will be even more so now, the interlocutor predicted.” Know how technology is driving the whole world … Do we not need programmers, perhaps don’t we need anything at all? “

Did the compressed exam schedule change your leg?

Mr. Sarafin often has to visit schools and answer questions from students. Frequently asked questions: I like biology and history: where would it be better to study? “Somehow, in the tenth grade, they are so disparagingly reunited and then looking for some strange options.” In the end, you enter the social sciences, because it is easier to enter there, mainly in places with VF, there is no need to exaggerate, you did not exaggerate it in the twelfth, and you will not need it later,

If the child does not like the basics, there will be appropriate options in tenth grade. And who can change that choice? According to Sarafin, in this case, only the parents.

“Parents could get the message across: We know where the world is going – with biology, chemistry, and physics, your life will be much better. Thank you in the future if I don’t let you give up on these things. Still, parents often notice that the child is already sixteen years old, let him decide for himself. However, young people of this age have very little experience, they lack a deep knowledge to understand the consequences of certain reasons, “explained the interlocutor.

T. Janulevičienė, Deputy Director of Education at the “Rasa” Gymnasium at Vytautas Magnus University, is convinced that the reason for refusing the physics and chemistry exams became the tight schedule: July 20. chemistry, July 21. physical.

“These are the last exams of the session, let’s be honest, this spring was an emotional challenge for society in general, and for graduates in particular. Suddenly they had to mature, maybe confidence was shaken. Learning physics and chemistry was an active activity in itself. After all, almost 30 percent of science lessons are developed through the development of experimental and practical skills, distance learning has become more difficult, “he emphasized.

Refined priorities: English language test is more important

Why did graduates refuse to take the French and German exams? Sarafin noted that most schools withdrew from teaching foreign languages. If, for example, only a few children learn French, then they will need to hire a teacher specifically for them, and in the long run there will be a shortage of such specialists.

“Schools decide not to get involved. The teaching of more diverse foreign languages ​​is only available to students from large institutions. Children often do not have the opportunity, even if they tend to learn French,” the expert admitted the sad truth.

According to G. Sarafin, the German language test is taken by about 40 high school children. It is true that the German exam can be taken not only in schools, but also in authorized examination centers. It is carried out and valued in the same way throughout the world.

T. Janulevičienė noted that the student chooses foreign languages ​​(German, French) in many Lithuanian schools as an optional second foreign language. “Graduates are likely to review their goals, refine their priorities, and choose only one required foreign language exam: English,” he said.

The full exam schedule can be viewed here.

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