Government will cautiously relax the quarantine regime: “We would like to avoid roller coasters”


“Although there are days when the figures look much better, there are days like today when they seem to look worse again, but the general trend so far seems positive. The question is whether it is fast enough, “commented I. Šimonytė on Wednesday after the government meeting.

He did not rule out the possibility that some of the quarantine restrictions would remain after January 31, but called for caution in handling the situation.

“Our challenges are twofold: the first is that we have to come down from a fairly high mountain, the second challenge is that at the same time mutations are spreading across Lithuania, somewhere near Lithuania, which can make that mountain grow back very quickly.

For that confirmation, just look at the example of Ireland, which managed very well during the quarantine and greatly reduced the number of cases, and it seemed that everything was under control. But it was enough to cancel the quarantine and stop the mutation, when I had to reintroduce a new quarantine, “said I. Šimonytė.

He would like to avoid those “roller coasters,” he said.

“It just came to our notice then. We would like to see exit strategies managed, combined with vaccination tests and solutions.

It certainly will not be the case, I can say it with certainty, that all restrictions will expire on January 31st. There are some restrictions, maybe, any and at what pace, at what stages, we will still have to negotiate on that, ”said the Prime Minister.

It certainly won’t be the case that all restrictions expire on January 31st.

The exit strategy from the strict quarantine will be discussed with experts next week.

The opposition Lithuanian Social Democratic Party on Wednesday demanded the lifting of part of the quarantine restrictions, especially targeting small merchants and service providers.

Ski centers have asked permission to operate a little earlier. The Ministry of Health ruled out that possibility because it would encourage demonstrations and there is a risk of spreading the coronavirus.

According to data from the Department of Statistics, on the last day 1694 new cases of COVID-19 were detected in Lithuania, a total of 62 thousand cases of COVID-19 were diagnosed. 425 inhabitants.

Government press conference:

VIDEO: Government will cautiously relax the quarantine regime: “We would like to avoid roller coasters”

Will try to prevent mutated COVID-19 from entering Lithuania

On Wednesday, I. Šimonytė plans to meet with representatives of the carriers and discuss how to reduce the risk that the mutated coronavirus in the UK does not enter Lithuania.

The Council of Experts, according to her, proposes to strengthen testing and control of carriers.

We are not talking about closing borders or similar restrictions.

“There are expert suggestions for adjusting the tests and controls. We are certainly not talking about closing borders or similar restrictions. We are talking about controlling the health of the people who work in this sector and reducing the chances of infecting their families when they return or share a mutated virus somewhere, ”I. Šimonytė said during a press conference.

According to her, it is important to seek solutions that strengthen controls:
