Government: We will work to close Belarusian airspace to international flights


The government said in a statement issued on Sunday that Belarus’ actions show that the country’s airspace is not safe for everyone and that Lithuania will demand a “clear and uncompromising” response from the international community.

“The EU must take effective measures to protect all people, regardless of nationality, who are at risk of inappropriate regime action. Together with international partners, we will work to close Belarusian airspace to international flights. What happened today it is an attack not only on Lithuania, it is a signal for the entire European Union and international organizations, ”the statement said.

“This act of state terrorism is directed against the security of citizens of the European Union and other countries, representatives of Belarusian civil society seeking asylum from persecution of the regime, as well as international civil aviation,” the statement added. .

It is also noted that these actions in Minsk are an “unprecedented attack against the international community” and an “act of state terrorism”, says the Government of Lithuania.

“This is an unprecedented attack against the international community: a civilian plane and its passengers were arrested by military force, as well as a Belarusian citizen whose life and health are in danger.” There is no justification for ordinary travelers from various countries to be held hostage to the regime’s aggression, “the government said.

A Ryanair passenger plane landed at Minsk airport on Sunday afternoon. He had approached Lithuanian airspace, but was forced to head for the Belarusian capital. Ryanair said the passenger plane that landed on Sunday landed at Minsk airport after Belarusian air traffic controllers reported a possible security threat on board. This information was not confirmed later.

Ramanas Pratasevičius, a Belarusian opposition activist and blogger and founder of the Nexta information channel, flew this plane. When the plane landed in Minsk, it was stopped.

According to Lithuanian data, there were 171 passengers on the plane, including 94 Lithuanian citizens, as well as 11 Greeks, nine French, several Belarusians, Poles, Romanians, Germans, Latvians, Russians, as well as citizens of Sacartwell and other countries. .

On Sunday evening, the plane returned from Minsk to Vilnius.

The incident was condemned by NATO, the European Commission and some EU leaders.

Lithuanian President Gitanas Nausėda said that if R. Pratasevičius, detained in Minsk, was not released, there would be talk of “very serious sanctions” at the EU level, including the loss of Belavia planes to land at EU airports. and NATO. Mr Nausėda promises to raise these issues at the European Council on Monday.

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