Government program. Heard and seen somewhere –


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Ingrida Šimonytė presented the program of the XVIII Government. Photo of Elta

The programs of all governments remember something. Sometimes even the tasks posed by the CPSU congresses. These shows are a kind of common genre of fiction, fantasy, and newspaper literature. When writing such a work, it is necessary to insert the words: mission, purpose, we will strive. After all, they will not say: dear ones, it will be as it will be. And I have no guarantee that promises will be kept.

The most concrete indicators of success of the XVIII Government program are. What the government promises to achieve by 2024. And what achievements can be expected in 2030. Although a decade later, few will remember what I. Šimonytė promised. And the Prime Minister herself, if she does not lead the Government after a decade, will not remember what she promised. So let’s take note for now at least. The government promises that in a decade all students will have access to a good school and all children from the age of 2 will be able to attend preschool. And immediately the question: does this Government foresee a boom in the construction of new nurseries? Do you expect the birth rate in Lithuania to decrease so much in a decade that the current kindergartens are sufficient for all children?

Another indicator of success is that 50% will participate in cultural and creative activities within a decade. population. Now only 22.5 percent. And why will it involve exactly half? Where does such precision come from? Perhaps the counters mechanically rejected the newborns who would not yet visit the museum. And he rejected the poor and the poor of the poor. They are so reworked that no opera will impress. Be that as it may, this success rate is perfectly suited to a common genre of fiction, fantasy, and journalism called government shows.

The government promises that in a decade the overall at-risk-of-poverty rate will remain at 14% and the employment rate will be 75%. Consequently, we have not yet created the Welfare State. Because prosperity would only exist when there was no poverty in the country. So one thing is clear: it is not meant for us to create a Welfare State for President G. Nausė, who has served his two-term term. Because it is simply unrealistic. The slogan of the government’s program alone – “no man behind the margins of life” sounds very cynical. Fortunately, the margins of life do not read such programs.

The government has predicted that in a decade, our average life expectancy will reach 81 years. This will ensure a healthy diet, work and rest regimen. When in Lithuania not even prime ministers and ministers can boast that their work and rest regimes are very favorable to health, what about others? In Lithuania, people are unemployed, steal too much or just imitate work. There are no other categories.

The green address registered in the government program is also astute. It promises that in 2024. forests will occupy 35%. country area. And how much forest will there be in 6 years, the program is silent. Don’t you want to lie too boldly?
