Government “broadly” supports quarantine mitigation plan


“My solution proposal today is such that we widely support the plan, but we did not approve it, we would do it on Wednesday,” Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė said.

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys stated that the strategy was developed on the basis of several aspects.

“We have already had the relevant meetings of the Government Emergency Commission (WESC) and today we are already in another stage, after in-depth discussions. Apparently, you could call that plan that is bound together by a number of basic principles. The plan itself is organized according to the relevant areas: households, healthcare activities, commerce, and the entire sequence according to the logic of the quarantine order. The second principle is that, as recommended by the WHO, we follow and observe the percentage of positive tests and the incidence of 100 thousand. people in 14 days, ”said Minister A. Dulkys.

He said this would provide an opportunity to relax the quarantine in individual municipalities in the country.

“A new aspect that appears in our scheme is that we introduce the principle that some measures can be considered not only at the national level, but that some measures can also be considered at the level of specific municipalities”, A. Dulkys presented the strategy in the meeting.

The minister said that every week, according to data from Monday, the situation would be reassessed.

The government supports

© DELFI / Tomas Vinickas

“The trend may look good, but in some places more progress is needed,” Prime Minister I. Šimonytė said.

“Naturally, there is an expectation that there will be releases from these activities, it is natural that people are tired, want to return to their beloved activities, or to their beloved hairdressers. But it seems that it is necessary to understand very clearly the situation that, according to the experience of other countries, the situation can change in both directions, ”said the Head of Government.

“Therefore, this plan cannot have very specific dates,” he explained.

The prime minister said it had been cautiously agreed to start making decisions from Wednesday, allowing some activities to take effect next week.

The Minister of Economy and Innovation Aušrinė Armonaitė promised that on Wednesday he will offer to decide on outdoor training with the participation of one person.

It is also promised that part of the business could open from Monday. The conditions are promised to be clarified at a government meeting on Wednesday.

Purpose of the plan

The purpose of this plan, as announced by the SESC, is to provide release from the quarantine regime in certain areas (e.g. homes, health care activities, health service organization, education, non-formal education and training assistance , catering, commerce, provision of services, internal movement of people), gatherings, cultural activities, sporting and entertainment events, regulation of the use of masks, social service activities, prison activities, registry office activities of foreigners, border control and regulation of the entry of foreigners), taking into account the incidence of COVID-19 infection per 100,000. population for 14 days and the proportion of positive studies of all studies conducted.

Quarantine measures are based on an assessment of the potential risk of spreading the virus due to the increased number of contacts and the mobility of the population. When planning the renewal of activities, it is planned to introduce tests of the employees in the exempt area, as well as an additional provision of flow restriction and hygiene conditions.

The SESC will also propose to the Government to make decisions at two levels of quarantine, national and self-government, when an individual municipality achieves better results than allowing more exemptions at the national level. Once a good performance has been achieved, individual release plans could be considered in some municipalities, but the situation in this municipality will need to be closely monitored: tests, outbreaks and other controls. This proposal must be approved by the Government.

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