Good news for those over 50 – this will greatly increase your chances of finding the job you want.


According to Audronė Biguzienė, Customer Service Director of Panevėžys Employment Service, people aged 50 and over, who currently make up the largest group of unemployed, are struggling with fear and lack of skills, but there are ways to change this.

The age group also stands out in the statistics

Unemployment among the elderly and the pandemic that significantly changed the job market were a major problem. This is noted by both career professionals and hiring professionals. According to the latest data from the Employment Service, in July of this year 89.1 thousand people were registered throughout the country. unemployed aged 50 and over, of which 60.3 thousand. – over 55 years old. The unemployment rate registered in the age group 50 and over is 15.9 percent. – 3 percent. higher than the total unemployment rate registered in the country (12.9%).

According to A. Biguzienė, the integration of the elderly into the labor market is hampered by sedentary lifestyle and lack of mobility. Often times, job seekers of this age have lost the motivation to find a job according to their professional qualifications.

“A significant number of older people have occupations that are not in demand in the current labor market or have no occupation. Meanwhile, others have certain health problems and are determined not to be able to find work. Older rural residents, who face communication problems, they have more difficulties to find work, and the vacancies are concentrated in district centers and cities ”, points out the specialist.

Many of these people have to choose unskilled jobs. Only in the first half of this year, for the above reasons, 26.5 percent. People aged 50 and over were employed as unskilled workers. 18.4 percent. of them began to work as skilled workers and artisans, and 12.7 percent. He took up new positions in the service sector or took a job as a salesperson. According to the interviewee, one of the reasons for this is the lack of job opportunities based on previous professional experience.

“If it is not possible to get a job in an identical field, a person chooses unskilled jobs. Unfortunately, working only in unskilled jobs for a long time loses motivation to seek a job based on available experience. Simply adapting to the current situation , it is determined that there is no possibility to change anything. Of course, the choice to work in unskilled jobs can also be conditioned by the state of health, “says the director of the Panevėžys customer service department of the Employment Service.

Both fear and reluctance to change the situation stop

According to data from the “Connected Lithuania” project, which offers free digital literacy training for more than a year, since the beginning of the project, the greatest attention was paid to participants in the age group 51-65 years: 41 percent. . To change an existing profession, acquire new ones, or improve existing skills, people have chosen to learn to use digital technologies. According to A. Biguzienė, the opportunity to acquire digital literacy skills significantly increases the chances of finding the desired job, but the problem can turn into various fears and stress when losing a job.

“The more people realize the importance of lifelong learning, the more likely there is a competitive generation of older people in the job market, characterized not only by skills, but also by responsibility and loyalty. Employers’ contribution to lifelong learning is also important.
The older generation did not have the opportunity to learn to use smart technologies, so their level of digital literacy is insufficient. An older person who has worked all or a large part of his career depending on the profession acquired thinks that he simply will not be able to learn something new and start working in a completely unknown field. This is the biggest obstacle, although these people are given the opportunity to change their profession or acquire a new one ”, A. Biguzienė is convinced.

In order to involve as many older people as possible in the active labor market, they are not limited to specialists in courses. In the event of job loss, professional advisers working in the customer service departments of the Employment Service provide information on employment opportunities and psychologist services. “Unfortunately, there are still many employers who believe that young people work better and do not appreciate the experience and loyalty of older people. Sometimes clients complain that they had to give up a place to a younger employee, even though the employer he didn’t mention it aloud.

The most important thing is that an elderly person who is in a stressful situation would be willing to accept the help offered, would decide to change the situation and would not close their problems and fears in a bubble ”, says the interlocutor.

Which employee does the employer choose?

When asked what are the essential criteria mentioned by employers seeking new employees, the Employment Service specialist says that the crucial question always remains how much added value an employee can create for the employer.

Younger workers are often sought after for their digital skills, rapid development, and ability to learn on the job. However, there are a growing number of employers who are radically changing their attitudes towards older people.

“Accumulated experience, responsibility and barking are important to them. This is sometimes lacking for young people. The desire to seek only young workers does not pay off precisely because of the excessive mobility of young people. Each employer assesses for himself what Employee qualities are most valuable to him and guides him in the search for employees, ”says A. Biguzienė.

This summer, those who want to acquire digital literacy can still enroll in the free training for beginners on the website or by calling 8620 20961.

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