Globalists have already been hit by “Robinson” from Vitalija Katunskytė –


Sometimes young people spent time caring for not only themselves but also the elderly. Later, it became obsolete. There was still a time when young people struggled to outdo each other in talent competitions or sports competitions. It seems that this way of spending free time is becoming obsolete, as writing requests is becoming the main occupation of today’s younger generation.


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Vitalija Katunskytė’s song “Robinson” should be banned, because “the song sounds awful and embarrassing, its text and subtext are highly racist.” Editorial Stock Photo

Even, I would say, there is some struggle over who will write the most continental petition possible. Only when reading them do I immediately recall the popular wisdom of “those who came out of the land of great writing.”

Here, an activist, admitting that Lithuania was never a colonial state, still demands “decolonization” of the country’s educational system. By eliminating heterosexual white men and filling these gaps with the “votes” of sexual minorities or third-country representatives, Lithuania will become a “part of the global world”.

The initiative has already been dubbed “the most idiotic idea of ​​the year” by users of social networks, but they seem to have rushed. A new request soon appeared. This time, its initiator demands that the song “Robinson” by Vitalija Katunskytė be banned, because “the song sounds terrible and embarrassing, its text and subtext are highly racist.”

You probably don’t speak Russian, so you haven’t heard the songs of the band “Zapreščionys barabanshchiki”. Otherwise, they would be required to “ban” not only composers and performers, but also all listeners.

Seriously, such initiatives increasingly recall the beginnings of China’s “cultural revolution,” in which everything that contradicted the one “correct” ideology was destroyed.

If such trends and the desire to “implement a truth” persist, despite the fact that it contradicts both the idea of ​​democracy and tolerance itself, Lithuania may well have to survive the “cultural” revolution of burning books and the destruction of works of art. Especially since the number of “chunveibins” ready for it increases significantly …

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