Global police operation: 30 Lithuanians arrested and an impressive number of drugs seized


Rolandas Kiškis, head of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office, announced that a large-scale international police operation “Trojan Shield / Greenlight” had been carried out. According to the police, the organizers of this global operation are the FBI, Nydreland, the Swedish police, the Lithuanian Criminal Police Office and the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office.

Encrypted “Anom” communication closed

A joint 16-state law enforcement team has been created. Yesterday, June 7, the final phase of the operation took place, which encompasses the Anom encrypted communication used by organized crime groups and their networks around the world to plan, coordinate and execute crimes in Europe and beyond: crimes against human life and health, homicides, assassination attempts, serious health problems), trafficking and illegal smuggling of weapons, distribution and smuggling of drugs in very large quantities, money laundering and other serious and very serious crimes.

Anom’s encrypted communication platform has been used by more than 12,000 users in more than 100 countries. More than 300 criminal networks (organized groups) speaking 60 different languages ​​actively used the platform, where 27 million messages were exchanged by communicating with each other and organizing and committing crimes.

According to the police, there were about 12 thousand people in Lithuania. consumers.

800 suspects were arrested

According to R. Kiškis, the pre-trial investigation began in October 2019. Around 700 searches have been conducted worldwide, 800 suspects have been arrested and 100 serious and very serious crimes have been prevented.

An impressive amount of drugs is said to have been seized: 22 tons of hashish, 2 tons of amphetamine, 6 tons of precursors of psychotropic substances. More than 250 firearms were seized. 39 million euros (in various currencies).

During operations and arrests initiated by Lithuanian officials, around 1,332 kg of various types of drugs were seized from illegal circulation: hashish – 574 kg, cannabis – 641 kg, cocaine – 77 kg, amphetamine-type stimulants – 40 kg. Its value in the wholesale market for illicit drugs amounts to more than 8,800,000 euros.

30 Lithuanians were arrested

The chief of the criminal police stated that a total of 30 Lithuanians belonging to various criminal groups were arrested in Lithuania and in foreign countries. They were arrested in Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Germany and Lithuania.

Martynas Jovaiša, Chief Prosecutor of the ONKTD of the Attorney General of the Republic of Lithuania, stated that 15 Lithuanians were detained in Lithuania. Several pre-trial investigations are said to be currently underway, with some people being detained this week.

The individuals are suspected of large-scale drug trafficking, smuggling. It will be evaluated if there are indications of an organized group in the actions of the detainees. According to the prosecutor, the people face up to 15 years in prison.

Lithuanians mainly organized large-scale drug transport from Spain and the Netherlands to the Scandinavian countries and the United Kingdom.

According to the police, some of the detainees belong to organized groups operating in Lithuania and abroad, but there are also new faces who belong to international organized groups.

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