Gitanas Nausėda: other candidates must be presented for the Ministers of Agriculture and Transport, A. Dulkys will be appointed


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“Comments made previously have been considered in the evaluation of specific minister nominations,” the president said.

He said the candidates who didn’t fit weren’t poor – people were preparing, presenting the vision, but they didn’t quite get it done.

“Kaspars Adomaitis has a perspective, but the transport sector is one where solutions are needed today, interest groups operate, let’s not hide it, there are inherited problems,” he said. According to the president, the attention to this sector was very high and K. Adomaitis seemed to be partially familiar with the problems of the sector, he did not answer all the vision related questions.

The president said that Miniataitė’s clearer vision in the field of agriculture was also lacking.

I.Šimonytė convinced by A.Dulkis

Speaking of A. Dulkis, the president said he had more doubts about his plans for the near future.

“We are at the epicenter of the pandemic period, the indicators are getting worse, so there must be a clear algorithm on the first day of operation,” he said.

According to the president, I. Šimonytė took personal responsibility for A. Dulkis, it was agreed that if he was not successful, decisions would be swift.

According to the president, there were also doubts about Dainius Kreivis’ proposal to the Minister of Energy.

“He knows his field, but his involvement in business structures, his experience as a minister and his previous resignation pose risks,” he said.

According to G. Nausėda, he will appoint D. Kreivis.

“I hope that this selection procedure has made it possible to meet the candidates in person very well, to refute certain provisions that can be made with the surveillance of public space,” he said.

G.Nausėda also spoke about the nomination of Evelinas Dobrovolskas for the Minister of Justice. He said he was pleasantly surprised that she came well prepared, answered questions directly, without trying to reject the language.

“In this context, I began to evaluate my biases with a little more caution. The candidate could deny it, ”he said.

According to the president, E.Dobrovolska comes to office with burning eyes.

Said other people would be sought

On Thursday, the president concluded meetings with all the cabinet candidates.

I. Šimonytė was also with the president to discuss his formation on Tuesday.

After the meeting, the spokesperson for resident Antanas Bubnelis stated that G. Nausėda had expressed doubts to I. Šimonyte about various candidacies for the position of ministers and it was agreed “that for these candidacies other people who can occupy the position of minister will be sought” .

However, I. Šimonytė, who stood in front of the journalists, clarified that it was not agreed that other candidates would be sought instead of those they did not believe.

“I was able to confirm almost everything that the esteemed Antanas said, perhaps an inaccuracy crept in that today there were no agreements to search for other candidates. The president’s comments were made simply as much about the candidates who were already in the meetings with the president as some comments about those who were not, “I. Šimonyt later said afterwards.

I.Šimonytė appointed the Conservative Gintarė Skaiste as Finance Minister, Conservative Arvydas Anušauskas as Minister of National Defense, Gabrielė Landsbergis as Conservative Leader, Conservative Agnė Bilotaitė as Minister of the Interior and Dainius Kreivis as Minister of Energy.

Simonuas Gentvilas, representative of the Liberal Movement, is nominated for the Ministers of the Environment, Jurgita Šiugždinienė is nominated for the Ministers of Education, Science and Innovation, Aušrinė Armonaitė, candidate for the Ministry of Economy and Innovation, candidate for the Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys Evelina Dobrovolska is nominated for ministers, Kasparas Adomaitis is nominated for Transport ministers, Simonas Kairys, the Liberal Movement candidate for Culture Ministers, and Monika Navickienė, the conservative candidate for Social Security and Labor Ministers.
