Gintaras Šiuparys. Why didn’t the chosen ones care and don’t care about Dr. Laura?


The surprised surgeon asked if the director of the hospital would really like to have an operation on him or a member of his family after the night watch. After a moment, the doctor was named after an animal that had no wisdom, because it turns out that the language only referred to “ordinary patients” and not the elite.

Therefore, it was urgent to decide whether to allow the humiliation of a gentleman who considers himself an extraordinary resident of Lithuania or to resist him. The young doctor who suffered the psychological attack chose the path of retirement: he left the workplace and works in another hospital.

Today, patients from all over Lithuania flock to this great specialist, and the heads of the provincial medical institution rub their hands: money flows from the Health Insurance Fund to the river, and thanks from happy patients.

There are many such stories, because the doors of medical institutions that are kept by taxpayers’ money are more open to the offspring of influential people, lazy people, and invertebrates who don’t have an opinion. Everyone else is undesirable, they just fit out of trouble.

Perhaps Laura, a young doctor who had become a symbol of doctors’ resistance to mobbing, could have done the same: step back and give way to mediocrity. But the doctor, valued by her colleagues, resisted the latter for her honor and dignity: she was not allowed to be pushed or humiliated by jealous careerists.

For the luxury of living in a free country with his head raised and without stooping, the doctor paid the highest price. The thread of life was broken even for a child who carried under his heart …

It would seem that it is not terrible, but … The trip to Šiauliai for Health Minister A.Dulkis is too far, so the animated voice of indignant doctors was not heard, and R.Mažeika, the head of the hospital and other department heads, was silent.

There is no doubt that in Western European countries, the head of an institution in such a crisis would have resigned until the end of the investigation, but we have a stronger tradition of denying Soviet problems.

In fact, the simple reaction of the minister can still be understood as a simple fear. It’s no secret that manifestations of mobbing are found in most medical facilities, so the removal of a guide is likely to set off a whole chain of medical uprisings in a ray of hope. It would be difficult to control.

But it is surprising that the doctors who rose to the silent protest did not receive the attention of the Šiauliai authorities. Mayor A. Visock, who spends hours and hours on social media every day, squeezed out a few phrases to the journalist who spoke to him, but they were eloquent.

“Was there a problem and did I hear conversations at the hospital? I will not hide – yes ”, admitted the mayor, who on the same occasion asked for a careful assessment of the accusations against the hospital management in the public sphere.

This is astonishing, because of the 2,500 doctors at the Šiauliai Republican Hospital, they are not residents of some mystical state of SAM, but residents of Šiauliai who pay taxes, raise children and elect the same local government. By the way, hopeful and help from his dependents.

The heads of the municipality, who are willing to bite the tests of the test booths of the beginners, also left the seimas in Šiauliai to create the voice of the doctors who openly asked for help. During the silent protest of the doctors, they did not lose any of them.

Of course, it’s easier to keep quiet, pretend that nothing happened. After all, everything will be explained by a commission formed in the capital itself on August 1 (!)! The same one whose manager had to be changed due to connections with a RŠL hero even before he started working.

Yes, the next election is only a couple of years later, but it is still a strange denial of the problem. The question remains whether acts of psychological violence and harassment at work are closed for the sake of the chicken, or if the eyes of a politically oppressed person obstruct them.

Nothing has been heard from the president of the Presidency, who is always promising the welfare state. I remember how 2019. the first lady, D.Nausėdienė, lit a candle for the unborn babies in the Cathedral. The campaign was called “I choose life.” Ms. Diana, maybe light a candle for oppressed and broken one-year-old Dr. Laura with her unborn baby and hundreds of bullies colleagues who keep on the run?

Personally, I had to meet with doctors many times. There were all kinds of experiences: they saved me and my family, and I was wrong. It is true that he was wrong humanly, without intention. But never after the operation did I lose sight of the concerned director of the institution leaning over me, I saw the eyes of doctors and nurses.

The same doctors who are no longer the first year to ask for help, but the chosen ones do not budge. After all, it is hard work to eradicate the long-standing tradition of humiliation in Lithuania; it is not enough to create a favorite commission.

It is much easier to recreate the public drama of the suffering of empathetic heads of modern medical institutions leading the reform-minded incomprehensible and ungrateful to a brilliant tomorrow. Towards a state of well-being.
