Get rid of mosquitoes without problems: the expert said what to do


Dr., entomologist at the National Center for Public Health, entomologist dr. Milda Žygutienė.

The warmer the weather, the more mosquitoes

Of all the blood-sucking insects (sparrows, river mosquitoes, small mosquitoes), mosquitoes are the most common in Lithuania, there are almost 37 species in Lithuania. The influx of mosquitoes interferes with outdoor work and recreation. Their stings are painful, they cause itching, burning in many people and various pathological skin symptoms in allergy sufferers.

Inadvertent bites can cause infection. Mosquito-borne diseases (yellow fever, deng fever, filariasis, etc.) are more common in tropical countries, but there is a group of mosquito-borne diseases common in the temperate zone: malaria, mosquito-borne encephalitis, fever.

Mosquitoes thrive in water and adults begin to fly. The duration of their development depends on the air temperature: the higher they are, the faster they will develop.

“Then there will be more mosquitoes in those parts of Lithuania where there are more stagnant bodies of water. However, forest mosquitoes, which account for more than 90% in Lithuania. all common mosquitoes do not need lakes, they also have enough temporary reservoirs: prunes, road ditches, stumps, barrels or other water tanks, “says M. Žygutienė.

Special measures help protect

To ensure that these unsolicited guests do not interfere with our sleep on open summer nights, it is advisable to cover them with special nets. Well, being in nature, we can protect ourselves even by choosing the right clothes. M. Žygutienė ensures that light, single-colored clothing attracts fewer insects, therefore bright, flowery and dark clothing should be avoided.

However, the vital need for mosquitoes to feed on blood is often so strong that pale clothing alone does not deter them. In such cases, it is advisable to use repellents, special chemical means to repel mosquitoes. Mosquito repellent oils also repel mosquitoes. When using repellents, the product label must first be read and used according to the manufacturer’s directions.

It is important to find out if the product is intended to be used directly on the skin or clothing. When using sprays, it is necessary to protect the eyes, mouth and nose. If allergic reactions occur after application or spraying, the affected areas should be washed immediately with water and seek medical attention.
