Get ready: natural heat is coming to Lithuania – warned where the situation could be dangerous


According to the representative, in some areas, even at night, the temperature may not drop below 20 degrees, especially by the sea, which is already called tropical nights.

“Natural heat prevails when the temperature reaches and exceeds 30 degrees for three days in a row. This is the type of heat that will prevail in most of the country in the coming days, and its recovery is not expected even at the beginning of next week, “he recalled.

According to A. Lapinskaitė, no major changes in the sky are expected on Saturday, the sky will be clear. A light south wind will blow. At night, the temperature will reach 15-20 degrees.

“During the day, the heat will be intense again and will reach 28-32, in some places 33 degrees. It will be about 29 degrees in Vilnius and Šiauliai, and about 30 degrees in Kaunas and Panevėžys. The temperature in Klaipeda will be 28 degrees.

Sunday night will be warm, with a heat of 16-21 degrees. During the day, some other clouds may appear somewhere, thunderstorms, but the chances of precipitation are low. It will withstand 28-33 degrees.

It will be about 29 degrees of heat in Vilnius, between 30 and 31 degrees in Kaunas, Šiauliai and Panevėžys. The air in Klaipeda will heat up to 28 degrees, “predicted the representative.

According to A. Lapinskaitė, according to current data, the heat wave will not recede on Monday or Tuesday, it will be suffocating.

“We will have a hard time recovering at night, and during the day the temperature will fluctuate around 30 degrees again. However, short-term thunderstorms and rain clouds can appear more frequently during the day. Especially in the middle of the week, on Jonines. At that time, the heat will drop a few degrees and the summer rains will continue, accompanied by thunderstorms.

No matter how tempting this summer is, it’s worth protecting. It is possible not only to get sunburned, but also heat or heatstroke. It is necessary to drink enough water, avoid hard physical work, not be outdoors for long periods during the hottest hours of the day. During those hot days, special attention should be paid to young children and the elderly, who are especially sensitive to high temperatures, “he warned.

The representative of recalled that when spending time in nature on weekends, it is also worth noting that forest fires are increasing, so in nature, fire should be treated with extreme caution.

“Protect yourself and your loved ones, and do not be indifferent to those around you, who can be affected by health due to so much heat. Your sudden reaction can help save a person’s life.”

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