Gentville promises to change not only taxes on cars but also on industrial pollution


The candidate for the post of Minister, among other things, would like public transport in all cities of the country to run solely on electricity and food waste to be classified from 2025.

“There is not a single tax that I see that needs to be reduced on the environment. And I will probably not propose any such tax during the period. Pollution taxes need to be indexed in some cases. forced to switch to a greener one, and the revenue from pollution taxes will go to those who are changing, “said Bent.

According to him, some taxes do not encourage the industry to manage waste, use ecological packaging or clean energy resources: “Because sometimes it is cheaper to emit pollutants into the atmosphere than to build shelters. Sometimes, it is cheaper for manufacturers to choose packaging that is not recyclable and that can only be incinerated, instead of opting for more environmentally friendly packaging that is subject to tax ”.

S. Gentvilas emphasized that too much fertilizer is used in agriculture.

“Ammonia is heavily taxed in the West, then farmers start to think about which fertilizers to use. That has to cost them to think about choosing other fertilizers ”, explained the candidate for environment ministers.

According to S. Gentvilas, he promises to change the car pollution tax by levying it on agricultural machinery, and the revenue from the tax would be used to encourage the choice of cleaner vehicles. You would also like to change the way the tax is calculated,

“Now the tax is a registration tax, it does not work much, it has to be linked to use, either annually or by mileage,” said the deputy.

The candidate for minister offers additional financial support for the renovation of old apartment buildings.

“Money is being thrown into the suburbs, where the infrastructure is very expensive, people have to buy cars,” he said.

S. Gentvilas intends to create a plan that by 2025 public transport in all Lithuanian cities will be powered only by electricity, which, according to him, is not difficult to achieve, giving it a funding priority.

Vilnius has unfortunately bought diesel buses, but already in Lithuania it produces several industrial buses that run on electricity. There is so much money in the state. We have collected information on polluters for the Climate Change Fund and we must provide the population with an alternative to the change to climate-neutral public transport, ”S. Gentvilas told BNS.

It promises that there will be no more regional landfills in five years. Speaking of the classification of food waste, S. Gentvilas stated that this would allow the development of the biogas fuel market.

“Many unresolved conflicts need to be resolved in protected areas, regulation of deforestation, promotion of organic agriculture, packaging management, environmental impact assessment procedures and pollution control,” Gentsville told BNS.

S. Gentvilas would like the protection of the environment to become a priority, people would not be afraid to swim in the lagoon, lakes and rivers of Curonian, because half of them are polluted by excess of dams, agricultural activities and other reasons .

The S. Gentvilas no hunter promises changes and hunts in the business. It is intended to transfer the functions of public inspectors to hunters, establish the procedure for publicity of hunts and facilitate access to hunters’ clubs for owners of the forests where they are hunted.

S. Gentvilas would like the General Director not to be subordinate to the Minister, but to the Board of the company that unites the SFEs. It proposes to transfer the forests located in the protected areas of SFEs to the management of the directorates of protected areas and national parks.

The ministerial candidate says he will strive to give his team members authority in their fields, and one of them should be well-known nature photographer Marius Čepulis.

S. Gentvil studied sociology at the University of Oslo, urban development at six universities. He has worked as an advisor to the Mayor of Klaipeda, at the City Hall, on the Supervisory Boards of Klaipedos Energija and Klaipeda Bus Fleet.

Elected to the Seimas in 2016, he worked in the Environmental Protection Committee.

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