Gediminas Žiemelis buys Siemens Arena / News


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Gediminas Žiemelis, one of the richest people in Lithuania, is buying the entertainment group SEVEN Entertainment, which also includes the Siemens Arena in Vilnius, reports Donatas Urbonas, a journalist with

SEVEN Entertainment Group also owns Panevėžys Cido Arena, Tiketa ticket distributor.

Winter has been associated with the purchase of the Vilnius Morning Club in the past, but according to sources at, the businessman will likely create an entirely new team in the capital.

Last year, Winter also spoke about his ambition to acquire an NBA club.

“The objective personally is to buy an NBA team. You will see it in 5 years (maybe sooner). But as a business, not as a toy. There is an algorithm to know what to do with the NBA team, since the players of basketball are well staffed.

It is not necessary to buy 100%, a part must be left to the local unions, to the municipality. Cheapest club: New Orleans Pelicans, $ 1 billion. The most expensive is the New York Knicks, 3.8 billion dollars. dollars, ”the chairman of the board of the aviation business group Avia Solutions Group told the portal at the time.

In 2019, in the ranking of the 500 richest people in Lithuania compiled by Top magazine, Žiemelis was ranked third and his wealth was valued at 630 million. euros.

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Come on, you will get a new Vilnius team and start to defeat everyone, it would take 10 years to defeat the ousted Žalgiri or Ryta from the throne, look, there was an athlete from Kaunas with a long lead 1993-1998 always played in the final of lkl with Žalgiris , but he did not become a lkl champion. the team was powerful. It’s not enough to just put together a new team and victory will follow, Lietkabelis has a new team and plays terribly like Žalgiris, Rytas has long been the winner of LKL. It takes time to form a new champion team, have good coaches, NBA level management, scouts, the best wounds of good legionnaires, Lithuanian basketball players from the NBA in Europe or in Žalgiris.

that it will not seem new as it is clear, maybe there will be threats, a blow to the seagull, the sand and other things … But you must not compare the situation of Lietkabel and if you come to a club with a lot of money. The same examples you have with the morning and the Zalgiris contradict you. How much did it cost in the morning to win a school? Even without much money, practically in the second or third year, if I remember correctly, when the morning came to the construction. And after Kalmanovicius & Co. and Euroleague lb became the owners of the Zalgiris, they quickly managed to win.


Well, the cosmos is with the Lithuanian treasurer: the main sponsor of Huawei’s national team, and the oligarch friend of the Kremlin will now form a second team in Vilnius with probably Russian relatives and sponsors. Thanks, you better not need it at all than to have some “friendly” Russian projects.

very sad news

Will Gudelis feed only on crumbs?


Will a new club be formed for her in Vlinija, zopa tomorrow?


According to the LKL regulations, it is enough to pay 400k, you have the opportunity to play in a stadium that meets the league standards and is already playing LKL. Let’s hope for a new club!


Does this new club have to start from the lower level?


Winter has been associated with the purchase of the Vilnius Morning Club in the past, but according to sources at, the businessman will likely create an entirely new team in the capital. Why do you write such spangals? Will you create a new club? That you start everything from what type of RKL is there? Urbonas is an expert, and sometimes so unconscious dew that …


to distance yourself from a mentally stupid fan is to create a new club


This is something that seems serious in Vilnius. Another team has talked about it until it can finally become a reality. I wonder how interested Winter is. change plans often, so nothing is clear yet.


Finally! News I’ve been waiting for almost 10 years! The start is good, hopefully the club will start a whole new one and not start with the collapsed Rytas project and bad karma. If you respect me. Winter will establish a new club in the capital, and that cancerous Gudel project will compete very quickly and easily. Because having your own arena all the money from the tickets will go to the club account. And also for any event, the money will go to the club. What has already been done successfully in Kaunas. Having a solid team really makes it possible to collect a solid budget with tickets only (as long as the crowns no longer exist). And by showing a good game, there would be endless sponsors. The opportunities for such a club would be enormous! Because nobody wants to support a dirty project if they can think properly. And there is no shortage of companies in the capital that can support! Many Vilnius residents have long awaited a transparent and solid club in the capital, to whose matches it would not be a shame to come. Maybe there will finally be a club where I can visit my family and friends regularly every week. We look forward to more news!

: DD

Why do you think the money from the events will go to the club? : D Read again that you acquired a business group, it will take money to maintain it. Prispangstat without knowing the situation and the fundamentals of the business.

What difference is he a friend of Putin or not, he does not go to the family, he lets him improve at the box office. Saibu has so much that Vilnius may finally have a team, because nobody gets along with the East.


Well if you want, walk in the morning with one click. I just don’t know what your plans are yet. But an important one: Russian money laundering.

let’s create a new club

but that club will start only from RKL


Not necessarily. All you have to do is pay 400k to the LKL box office and show that you will form a competitive team and have an arena.


Invite the carpenter Kurtinaiti will have to blame the morning office windows hahahaha


will have where slow storage is a smart move


So where will the morning play now?


Are there no schools in Vilnius? The school auditorium will be rented and you can play.

Sharikov by jiezno

An interesting observation for people who don’t know what one is on Earth. Until recently, the ground handling company operated by him claimed to have served NATO aircraft in Šiauliai, which was not answered by category. The company has been identified as unsafe due to its political and economic ties to the Russian elite. The mere fact that then-Russian Prime Minister Medmedev arrived when he opened his airport in Russia. Clearly the day here is a trillion basketball instead or Winter is just building capital and expanding his influence to recapitalize perhaps even in future elections.


what you love you will not buy in the morning, but will create a new club, Vilnius will be like Los Angele clippers and lakers, only the morning will rent the arena


I don’t need an oligarch like that in the morning, maybe panevezy will support him and cidp arena buy


Well finally! One good news follows another. Not only are the Tomasevskininkai plans backed by the pro-Kremlin rhythm, but Ziemelis’s arrival on the Vilnius basketball market will completely end the ingrained parasite and communist corps that lives solely on insidious personal ambitions and sucks up state money. . This is a historic day for both ordinary Vilnius residents and all of Lithuania. The transparency and cleanliness of the club had to be demanded as soon as Vainauskas left. Now it’s too late, no well-meaning basketball player will join in on the sit parody.


Protect the lord from the Kremlin agent. His ties to Russia are not just knowing how closely business in Russia merges with politics. Business at this level is done with only a roof and a blessing of the highest level. Tomorrow the arena will be a club tomorrow and you will be able to play in the Vtb Championship while listening to Russian pop in Petra. Here’s a similar story to the Finnish Jokerit when investors from Russia came to the club and made their way to KHL.


There will be a new team, new fans of the club and there will be no new lords and new victories for those who protect the lord will be able to stay at the club in the morning.

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