Gates’ unusual partner deal: Even after marrying Melinda, Bill was on vacation with a former lover | Names


The news of this strange arrangement surprised many, knowing that she had lived in marriage for 27 years and 130 billion. a famous couple piled high with a fortune in dollars decided to stand out.

Bill Gates, 65, and his beloved investor, 70, Ann Winblad, met in the 1990s. Black split in 1987, the same year the billionaire met his then-future ex-wife, Melinda. According to, Ann and Bill’s relationship broke down because the woman was more ready for marriage than Bill, who worked for Microsoft Empire day and night.

Despite the broken novel, Ann and Bill fostered a friendly relationship. 1997 In TIME magazine, he said: “When I was thinking of marrying Melinda, I called Ann and asked for her approval.”

The latter blessed the marriage of a former lover and Melinda and continued to vacation with her billionaire every year at their home on a North Carolina beach. Friends spent time driving Bagiais, gliding and walking on the beach.

“We can play miniature golf while talking about biotechnology,” Bill said in a 1997 interview.

“We share thoughts about the world and about ourselves. We admire how we stubborn young men embarked on an adventure in the then little-known industry and how we find ourselves at the center of a wonderful universe, ”added Ann, who met Bill Gates in 1984. computer conference.

Being in different cities, they began to meet “virtually”, while watching the same movie and arguing on the phone. Ann even managed to persuade Bill to stop eating meat for a while.

The couple divorced three years later, but in a TIME magazine article, Ann said that Bill Melinda is “a great partner because he has intellectual stamina.”

Even after divorcing and starting families, Ann married private detective Edward Alex Kline’s brother, junior actor Kevin Kline, not only did they go on vacation together, they went into business as well. 1999 Bill Gates and Ann Winblad partnered with Hummer Winblad Venture Partners.

15 minutes remember that Bill and Melinda Gates divorced after 27 years together. The couple raised three children.
